Wednesday, April 16, 2008

root words(part 2)

chaetophobia: hair
cheimaphobia or cheimatophobia: cold
chemophobia: chemicals
cherophobia: gaiety
chionophobia: snow
chiraptophobia: being touched
cholerophobia: anger
chorophobia: dancing
chrometophobia: money
chromophobia: colors
chronomentrophobia: clocks
chronophobia: time
cibophobia: food
claustrophobia: enclosed spaces
cleisiophobia: being locked in
cleptophobia: stealing
climacophobia: stairs
clinophobia: going to bed
clithrophobia: being enclosed
cnidophobia: stings
coimetrophobia: cemeteries
cometophobia: comets
contreltophobia: sexual abuse
coprastasophobia: constipation
coprophobia: feces
coulrophobia: clowns
cremnophobia: precipices
cryophobia: extreme cold, ice or frost
crystallophobia: crystals or glass
cyberphobia: computers or working on a computer
cyclophobia: bicycles
cymophobia: waves or wave like motions
cynophobia: dogs

decidophobia: making decisions
defecaloesiophobia: painful bowel movements
deipnophobia: dining
dementophobia: insanity
demonophobia: demons
demophobia: crowds (Agoraphobia)
dendrophobia: trees
dentophobia: dentists
dermatophobia: skin lesions
dermatosiophobia: skin disease
dextrophobia: objects at the right side of the body
diabetophobia: diabetes
didaskaleinophobia: going to school
dikephobia: justice
dinophobia: dizziness
diplophobia: double vision
dipsophobia: drinking
dishabiliophobia: undressing in front of someone
domatophobia: houses or being in a house
doraphobia: fur or skins of animals
dromophobia: crossing streets
dutchphobia: the dutch
dysmorphophobia: deformity
dystychiphobia: accidents

ecclesiophobia: church
eicophobia: home surroundings
eisoptrophobia: mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror
electrophobia: electricity
eleutherophobia: freedom
elurophobia: cats (Ailurophobia)
emetophobia: vomiting
enetophobia: pins
enochlophobia: crowds
enosiophobia: committing an unpardonable sin
entomophobia: insects
eosophobia: dawn or daylight
epistaxiophobia: nosebleeds
epistemophobia: knowledge
equinophobia: horses
eremophobia: being oneself
ereuthrophobia: blushing
ergasiophobia: surgical instruments
ergophobia: work
erotophobia: sexual love
erythrophobia: the color red
euphobia: hearing good news
eurotophobia: female genitalia

febriphobia: fever
felinophobia: cats
Francophobia: france, french culture
frigophobia: cold

galeophobia: cats
gallophobia or galiophobia: fear France, French culture
gamophobia: marriage
gatophobia: cats
geliophobia: laughter
geniophobia: chins
genophobia: sex
genuphobia: knees
gephyrophobia: crossing bridges
gerascophobia: growing old
germanophobia: Germany, German culture
gerontophobia: old people or of growing old
geumaphobia: taste
glossophobia: speaking in public
gnosiophobia: knowledge
graphophobia: writing
gymnophobia: nudity
gynophobia: women

hadephobia: hell
hagiophobia: saints or holy things
hamartophobia: sinning
haphephobia: being touched