harpaxophobia: being robbed
hedonophobia: feeling pleasure
heliophobia: the sun
hellenologophobia: Greek terms
helminthophobia: worms
hemophobia: blood
herpetophobia: reptiles
heterophobia: the opposite sex (sexophobia)
hierophobia: priests
hippophobia: horses
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: long words
hobophobia: bums or beggars
hodophobia: road travel
homichlophobia: fog
homilophobia: sermons
hominophobia: men
homophobia: homosexuality
hoplophobia: firearms
hormephobia: shock
hydrargyophobia: mercurial medicines
hydrophobia: water
hydrophobophobia: rabies
hyelophobia or hyalophobia: glass
hygrophobia: liquids, dampness, or moisture
hylephobia: materialism
hylophobia: forests
hypegiaphobia: responsibility
hypnophobia: sleep
hypsiphobia: height
iatrophobia: doctors
ichthyophobia: fish
ideophobia: ideas
illyngophobia: veritgo
insectophobia: insects
iophobia: poison
isolophobia: solitude, being alone
isopterophobia: termites
ithyphallophobia: erection
Japanophobia: Japanese
Judeophobia: Jews
kainolophobia: novelty
kakorraphiaphobia: failure
katagelophobia: ridicule
kathisophobia: sitting down
kenophobia: voids
keraunophobia: thunder
kinetophobia: movement or motion
kleptophobia: stealing
koinoniphobia: rooms
koniophobia: dust (Amathophobia)
kopophobia: fatigue
kosmikophobia: cosmic phenomenon
kymophobia: waves
kynophobia: rabies
kyphophobia: stooping
lachanophobia: vegetables
laliophobia: speaking
leprophobia: leprosy
leukophobia: the color white
levophobia: things to the left side of the body
ligyrophobia: loud noises
lilapsophobia: tornadoes and hurricanes
limnophobia: lakes
linonophobia: string
liticaphobia: lawsuits
lockiophobia: childbirth
logizomechanophobia: computers
logophobia: words
luiphobia: syphillis
lutraphobia: otters
lygophobia: darkness
lyssophobia: rabies or of becoming mad
macrophobia: long waits
mageirocophobia: cooking
maieusiophobia: childbirth
malaxophobia: love play
maniaphobia: insanity
mastigophobia: punishment
mechanophobia: machines
megalophobia: large things
melanophobia: the color black
melissophobia: bees
melophobia: fear or hatred of music
meningitophobia: brain disease
menophobia: menstruation
merinthophobia: being bound or tied up
metallophobia: metal
metathesiophobia: changes
meteorophobia: meteors
methyphobia: alcohol
metrophobia: fear or hatred of poetry
microbiophobia: microbes (bacillophobia)
microphobia: small things
misophobia: being contaminated with dirt of germs
mnemophobia: memories
molysmophobia: dirt or contamination
monopathophobia: definite disease
monophobia: solitude or being alone
motorphobia: automobiles
mottephobia: moths
musophobia: mice
mycophobia: fear or aversion to mushrooms
mycrophobia: small things
myctophobia: darkness
myrmecophobia: ants
mysophobia: germs or contamination or dirt
Sunday, April 20, 2008
root words(part 3)
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