radiophobia: radiation, x-rays
ranidaphobia: frogs
rhabdophobia: being severely punished or beaten by a rod
rhypophobia: defecation
rhytiphobia: getting wrinkles
rupophobia: dirt
Russophobia: Russians
samhainophobia: Halloween
sarmassophobia: love play
satanophobia: satan
scabiophobia: scabies
scelerophibia: bad men, burglars
schlionophobia: school
sciophobia: shadows
scoleciphobia: worms
scolionophobia: school
scopophobia: being stared at
scotomaphobia: blindness in visual field
scotophobia: darkness
scriptophobia: writing in public
selaphobia: light flashes
selenophobia: the moon
seplophobia: decaying matter
sesquipedalophobia: long words
sexophobia: the opposite sex
siderodromophobia: trains
siderophobia: stars
sinistrophobia: left-handedness
sinophobia: chinese, chinese culture
sitophobia: food or eating
snakephobia: snakes (ophidiophobia)
soceraphobia: parents-in-law
social phobia: being evaluated negatively
sociophobia: society
somniphobia: sleep
sophophobia: learning
soteriophobia: dependence on others
spacephobia: outer space
spectrophobia: specters or ghosts
spermophobia: germs
sphexsophobia: wasps
stasibasiphobia: standing or walking
staurophobia: crosses or the crucifix
stenophobia: narrow things or places
stygiophobia: hell
suriphobia: mice
symbolophobia: symbolism
symmetrophobia: symmetry
syngenesophobia: relatives
syphilophobia: syphilis
tachophobia: speed
taeniophobia or teniophobia: tapeworms
taphephobia: being buried alive
tapinophobia: being contagious
taurophobia: bulls
technophobia: technology
teleophobia: definate plans
telephonophobia: telephones
telosphobia: being last
teratophobia: bearing a deformed child
testophobia: taking tests
tetanophobia: lockjaw, tetanus
teutophobia: German or German things
textophobia: certain fabrics
thaasophobia: sitting
thalassophobia: the ocean
thanatophobia: death or dying
theatrophobia: theatres
theologicophobia: theology
theophobia: god(s) or religion
thermophobia: heat
tocophobia: childbirth
tomophobia: surgical operations
tonitrophobia: thunder
topophobia: performing (stage fright)
toxiphobia: poison
traumatophobia: injury
tremophobia: trembling
trichinophobia: trichinosis
trichopathophobia: hair
triskaidekaphobia: the number 13
tropophobia: moving or making changes
trypanophobia: injections
tuberculophobia: tuberculosis
tyrannophobia: tyrants
uranophobia: heaven
urophobia: urine or urinating
vaccinophobia: vaccination
venustraphobia: beautiful women
verbophobia: words
verminophobia: germs
vestiphobia: clothing
virginitiphobia: rape
vitricophobia: step-fathers
Walloonphobia: the Walloons
wiccaphobia: witches and witchcraft
xanthophobia: the color yellow
xenophobia: strangers
xerophobia: dryness
xylophobia: forests
zelophobia: jealousy
zemmiphobia: the great mole rat
zeusophobia: God or gods
zoophobia: animals
Monday, April 28, 2008
root words(part 5)
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