Saturday, April 12, 2008

root words(part 1)

ablutophobia: washing or bathing
acarophobia: itching
acerophobia: sourness
achluophobia: darkness
acousticophobia: noise
acrophobia: heights
aeroacrophobia: open high places
aeronausiphobia: vomiting secondary to airsickness
aerophobia: drafts, air
aeruophobia: flying
agliophobia: pain
agoraphobia: open spaces
agraphobia: sexual abuse
agrizoophobia: wild animals
agyrophobia: streets or crossing the street
aichmophobia: needles or pointed objects
ailurophobia: cats
albuminurophobia: kidney disease
alektorophobia: chickens
algophobia: pain
alliumphobia: garlic
allodoxaphobia: opinions
altophobia: heights
amathophobia: dust
amaxophobia: riding in a car, or vehicles
ambulophobia: walking
amnesiphobia: amnesia
amychophobia: scratches or being scratched
anablephobia: looking up
ancraophobia: wind
androphobia: men
anemophobia: air drafts or wind
anginophobia: angina, choking or narrowness
Anglophobia: England, English culture, etc
angrophobia: becoming angry
ankylophobia: immobility of a joint
anthophobia: flowers
anthrophobia: people
anthropophobia: people or society
antlophobia: floods
anuptaphobia: staying single
apeirophobia: infinity
aphenphosmphobia: being touched
apiphobia: bees
apotemnophobia: persons with amputations
arachibutyrophobia: peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
arachnophobia: spiders
arithmophobia: numbers
arrhenphobia: men
arsonphobia: fire
asthenophobia: fainting or weakness
astraphobia: thunder and lightning
astrophobia: stars and celestial space
asymmetriphobia: asymmetrical things
ataxiophobia: ataxia (muscular incoordination)
ataxophobia: disorder or untidiness
atelophobia: imperfection
atephobia: ruin or ruins
athazagoraphobia: being forgotten or ignored
atomosophobia: atomic explosions
atychiphobia: failure
aulophobia: flutes
aurophobia: gold
auroraphobia: northern lights
autodysomophobia: one that has a vile odor
automatonophobia: ventiloquist dummies or wax statues
automysophobia: being dirty
autophobia: being alone or of oneself
aviophobia: flying

bacillophobia: microbes
bacteriophobia: bacteria
bactrachophobia: reptiles
ballistophobia: missles or bullets
barophobia: gravity
basophobia: inability to stand
bathophobia: depth
batonophobia: plants
batophobia: heights
batrachophobia: amphibians
belonephobia: pins and needles
bibliophobia: books
blennophobia: slime
bogyphobia: the bogeyman
Bolshephobia: Bolsheviks
botanophobia: plants
bromidrosiphobia: body smells
brontophobia: thunder and lightning
bufonophobia: toads

cacophobia: ugliness
cainophobia: newness, novelty
caligynephobia: beautiful women
carcinophobia: cancer
cardiophobia: the heart
carnophobia: meat
catagelophobia: being ridiculed
catapedaphobia: jumping from high and low places
cathisophobia: sitting
catoptrophobia: mirrors
cenophobia: new things or ideas
ceraunophobia: thunder