Friday, December 14, 2007

GRE worlist I(part 4)

relationship in a society; mental hospital; Ex. institution of marriage
institutionalize make into an institution; put or confine in an institution
insubordination disobedience; rebelliousness; ADJ. insubordinate
insubstantial lacking substance; insignificant; frail; immaterial
insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation; ADJ. insular: of an island; isolated; narrow-minded; CF. peninsula
insuperable insurmountable; unbeatable; Ex. insuperable difficulties
insurgent rebellious; N.
insurmountable overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable
insurrection rebellion; uprising
intangible not able to be perceived by touch; vague
integral complete; necessary for completeness; Ex. integral part
integrate make whole; combine; make into one unit
integrity honesty; uprightness; wholeness; state of being whole and undivided; completeness
intellect higher mental powers; person of great intellectual ability
intelligentsia intellectuals; members of the educated elite (often used derogatorily)
inter bury; N. interment
interdict prohibit; forbid; N.
interim meantime; Ex. in the interim; ADJ. taking place during an interim; Ex. interim paper
interjection exclamation; Ex. “Ouch'’
interloper intruder; one who interferes
intermediary intermediate; acting as a mediator; N: mediator; go-between
interminable endless
intermittent periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals
internecine mutually destructive
interpolate insert between
interregnum period between two successive reigns or governments
interrogate question closely; cross-examine; cross-question
interstice narrow space between things
intervene come between; interfere; Ex. intervened to prevent a fight; N. intervention
intimate hint; suggest; imply; ADJ: marked by close relationship; familiar; private; personal; Ex. intimate knowledge/thoughts in the diary; N: close friend or confidant; CF. intimacy
intimidate frighten; N. intimidation
intolerant not willing to accept ways of thinking different from one’s own; CF. tolerant; CF. tolerate
intoxicate make drunk; stimulate or excite; Ex. intoxicated by all the money he might win
intractable unruly; difficult to manage; Ex. intractable problem/child
intransigence refusal of any compromise; stubbornness; ADJ. intransigent: uncompromising
intrepid fearless
intrigue make secret plans; plot; arouse the curiosity of; N: secret scheme; plot; secret love affair
intrinsic essential; inherent; built-in
introspective looking within oneself; N. introspection: self-examination
introvert one who is introspective or inclined to think more about oneself; ADJ. introverted
intrude put or force in without being asked; trespass; enter as an uninvited person; Ex. intrude one’s own opinion into the report; CF. thrust in
intuition immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning; ADJ. intuitive; V. intuit: know by intuition
inundate flood; overflow; submerge; cover completely; Ex. inundated with work
inured accustomed; hardened; Ex. inured to the Alaskan cold; V. inure: make used to something undesirable; harden; CF. unfeeling
invalid one incapacitated(disabled) by a chronic illness; ADJ: incapacitated by illness; not valid; null; V: allow to leave (a military force) because of ill-health
invalidate weaken; destroy; make invalid; nullify
invective abuse
inveigh denounce; utter censure or invective; Ex. inveigh against the evils of drink
inveigle deceive; lead astray by deception; wheedle(cajole); Ex. inveigle her into joining the club; CF. interest dishonestly
inverse opposite
invert turn upside down or inside out; reverse the position or condition of
inveterate deep-rooted; habitual; CF. grow old
invidious designed to create ill will or envy; tending to rouse ill will or envy; Ex. invidious comparison
invincible unconquerable
inviolable secure from corruption, attack, or violation(or profanation); unassailable; Ex. inviolable oath/rights; N. inviolability
invocation prayer for help (used in invoking); calling upon as a reference or support; act of invoking
invoke call and bring into use (a right or law); call on/upon (a higher power or god) for help; ask for; beg for; conjure (a spirit); Ex. invoke the veto power; Ex. invoke one’s advisor/God
invulnerable incapable of injury; impossible to damage or injure
iota very small quantity
irascible irritable; easily angered
irate angry; CF. ire: anger; wrath
iridescent exhibiting rainbowlike colors; Ex. iridescent oil slick; N. iridescence
irksome annoying; tedious; V. irk: annoy
ironic expressing irony; occurring in an unexpected and contrary manner
irony hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean; use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning
irreconcilable impossible to reconcile; incompatible; not able to be resolved
irrefutable indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable
irrelevant not applicable; unrelated
irremediable incurable; uncorrectable; impossible to remedy
irreparable not able to be corrected or repaired; impossible to repair
irrepressible unable to be restrained or held back; impossible to hold back
irreproachable beyond reproach; blameless; impeccable; Ex. irreproachable conduct
irresolute uncertain how to act; weak; lacking in resolution; indecisive; N. irresolution
irretrievable impossible to recover or regain; CF. retrieve
irreverence lack of proper respect or reverence; ADJ. irreverent
irrevocable unalterable; irreversible; impossible to revoke
isotope varying from of an element
isthmus narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land
itinerant wandering; traveling from place to place (to perform work); Ex. itinerant preacher
itinerary plan of a trip; record of a trip