ichthyology study of fish; CF. ichthyo-: fish
icon(ikon) religious image; idol; image or representation
iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions; N. iconoclast: one who attacks traditional ideas; one who destroys sacred images
ideology system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture
idiom expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style (of expression); Ex. idiom of the modern popular music; ADJ. idiomatic
idiosyncrasy individual trait usually odd in nature; behavioral peculiarity; eccentricity; attitude, behavior, or opinion peculiar to a person; anything highly individual or eccentric; ADJ. idiosyncratic
idle not working; not employed or busy; lazy; without purpose; useless; lacking substance; baseless; not based on truth; Ex. idle worker; Ex. talk idly; V.
idolatry worship of idols; excessive admiration or devotion; ADJ. idolatrous
idyll(idyl) short poem idealizing rural life; simple happy period of life (in the country); scene from such a time; Ex. idyll of two young lovers
idyllic charmingly carefree; simple and happy; Ex. idyllic scene
igneous produced by fire; of fire; volcanic; (of rocks) formed from lava; Ex. igneous meteorite
ignite kindle; light; catch fire or set fire to
ignoble unworthy; not noble; dishonorable; Ex. ignoble deed
ignominy deep disgrace; shame or dishonor; ADJ. ignominious; Ex. ignominous defeat
illicit illegal
illimitable infinite; limitless
illuminate brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten; enable to understand; Ex. illuminating remarks
illusion misleading vision or visual image; false idea or belief; CF. delusion
illusive deceiving; based on illusion; causing illusion; deceptive
illusory illusive; deceptive; not real
imbalance lack of balance or symmetry; disproportion
imbecility weakness of mind; state of being an imbecile; N. imbecile: stupid person; fool
imbibe drink in
imbroglio complicated situation (as in a play); painful or complex misunderstanding (as in a play); entanglement; confused mass (as of papers); V. embroil
imbue saturate(soak thoroughly); fill; Ex. imbue someone with feelings
immaculate spotless; flawless; absolutely clean
imminent impending; near at hand
immobility state of being immovable
immolate offer or kill as a sacrifice (by fire)
immune resistant to; free or exempt from; N. immunity
immure imprison; shut up in confinement; CF. wall
immutable unchangeable
impair injure; hurt; damage
impale pierce (with a sharp point); Ex. impaled by the spear
impalpable imperceptible(not easily understood); intangible; OP. palpable: tangible; easily perceptible
impart grant a share of; make known; Ex. news to impart
impartial not biased; fair; N. impartiality
impassable not able to be traveled or crossed
impasse predicament(dangerous condition) from which there is no escape; situation allowing for no further progress
impassioned (of speech) filled with passion; fervent
impassive without feeling; expressionless; imperturbable; stoical; Ex. impassive face
impeach charge (a public official) with crime in office; raise doubts about; indict; Ex. impeach a witness’s credibility
impeccable faultless
impecunious without money
impede hide; retard or obstruct the progress of; block
impediment hindrance; stumbling-block; speech defect preventing clear articulation; Ex. speech impediment
impel drive or force onward; drive to take action; urge to action
impending nearing; approaching; about to happen
impenetrable not able to be pierced or entered; beyond understanding; impossible to understand; Ex. impenetrable mystery
impenitent not repentant
imperative absolutely necessary; that must be done; critically important; expressing command; Ex. It is imperative that; N: something that must be done
imperceptible unnoticeable; impossible to perceive; undetectable
imperial like an emperor; related to an empire; CF. imperialism
imperil put in danger
imperious domineering; too commanding; haughty; CF. imperial/emperor
impermeable impervious; not permitting passage through its substance; impossible to permeate
impersonal not being a person; not showing personal feelings; Ex. impersonal force/manner/organization
impertinent insolent; rude; not pertinent; N. impertinence
imperturbable unshakably calm; placid
impervious impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed; incapable of being affected (in one’s opinions); Ex. impervious to water/criticism
impetuous violent; hasty; rash; impulsive; without careful thought; Ex. impetuous decision
impetus moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse
impiety irreverence; lack of respect for God or piety
impinge infringe; encroach; influence; touch; collide with; Ex. The effects are impinging on every aspect of our lives.
impious irreverent
implacable incapable of being pacified; impossible to appease; Ex. implacable enemy
implausible unlikely (to be true); unbelievable; Ex. implausible alibi
implement put into effect; enforce; carry out; supply with tools; Ex. implement the
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
GRE Word List I(part 1)
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