macabre gruesome; grisly; ghastly; CF. of death
mace ceremonial staff used as a symbol of authority; clublike medieval weapon
macerate soften by soaking in liquid; waste away; Ex. macerate powdered wood to make paper
Machiavellian crafty; double-dealing; of the political doctrine of Machiavelli, which holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing political power
machinations evil schemes or plots; schemes or plots to achieve an evil end; V. machinate
maculated spotted; stained; CF. immaculate
madrigal pastoral song; song for several singers without instruments
maelstrom violent whirlpool; violent or tublent situation; CF. stream
magisterial authoritative; imperious; commanding; of a magistrate; Ex. magisterial study of Roman law; Ex. magisterial manner
magistrate official with power to administer the law
magnanimity generosity; ADJ. magnanimous: generous
magnate person of prominence or influence; powerful or influential person (in business or industry); Ex. oil magnate
magniloquent boastful; pompous
magnitude greatness (in size or extent); extent
maim mutilate; injure lastingly; disable; cripple; Ex. maimed for life
makeshift temporary expedient or substitute (in the case of urgent need); Ex. makeshift shelter
maladroit clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling
malady illness
malaise uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health (without any particular pain or appearance of disease)
malapropism comic misuse of a word; CF. Mrs. Malaprop
malapropos inappropriate; ADV.
malcontent person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs; discontented person; ADJ: discontented
malediction curse
malefactor evildoer; criminal
maleficient doing evil; N. maleficience
malevolent wishing evil; exhibiting ill will; N. malevolence
malfeasance wrongdoing; misconduct (by a public official)
malicious hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice: desire to harm others; spite
malign speak evil of; bad-mouth(criticize spitefully); defame; ADJ: harmful; Ex. malign influence
malignant tending to cause death; highly injurious; aggressively malevolent; Ex. malignant tumor
malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty; V. malinger: feign illness to avoid work
malleable (of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating); pliable; (of someone) impressionable(easily influenced); easily controlled; tractable
malodorous foul-smelling
mammal vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young
mammoth gigantic; enormous
manacle restrain; handcuff; N.
mandate order; charge; authoritative command; power to govern another country; power to given to a government; region under administration; V: give a mandate to; place under a mandate; Ex. mandated territory
mandatory obligatory; compulsory; of a mandate
maneuver(manoeuver) strategic military or naval movement (done for training purposes); carefully planned process; stratagem; V: carry out a military maneuver; use maneuvers in gaining an end
mange skin disease (esp. of domestic animals) marked by loss of hair
mangle tear or cut to pieces; mutilate or disfigure; Ex. badly mangled bodies
mangy shabby; wretched; suffering from mange; of bad appearance
maniacal raging mad; insane; N. maniac: insane person; CF. mania: disorder of the mind; intense enthusiasm
manifest evident; visible; obvious; V: show plainly
manifestation outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of something; Ex. manifestation of his pronounced musical bent
manifesto public declaration of principles; statement of policy
manifold many in number or kind; numerous; varied
manipulate operate with one’s hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to manipulate publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative
mannered affected; not natural; Ex. mannered way of speech
mannerism distinctive behavioral trait; affected style in art (according to a set of styles)
mantle loose sleeveless outer garment; cloak; something that covers or envelops; the layer of the earth between the crust and the core
manumit emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
mar spoil the appearance of
maraud move in search of plunder; Ex. marauding army
margin border; room; allowance beyond what is needed; Ex. margin of safety
marginal of a margin; barely within a limit; Ex. marginal effect/writing ability
marital pertaining to marriage
maritime bordering on(adjacent to) the sea; nautical; of the ships or the sea; Ex. Maritime Provinces
marked noticeable; targeted for vengeance or attack; Ex. marked improvement/man
maroon leave helpless on a deserted island or coast; ADJ. red brown
marred damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure
marrow soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of blood cells
marshal put in order; guide ceremoniously to the correct place; Ex. marshal the children into the museum; N: military officer; official
marsupial one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch(pocket of skin or leather); CF. kangaroo, opossum, wombat
martial warlike; of war; Ex. martial art/law
martinet strict disciplinarian; person who demands total obedience to rules and orders; CF. Jean Martinet
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
GRE Word List M(part 1)
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