hindsight understanding the nature of an event after it has actually happened
hinterlands back country; inner part of a country; OP. foreland
hireling one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously); one who works solely for compensation; Ex. hireling politician
hirsute hairy; having a lot of hair
historic important in history; Ex. historic battle
historical connected with history; based on events in history (whether regarded as important or not)
histrionic theatrical; excessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of actors or acting; N. histrionics: histrionic behavior
hive box for bees; V: cause to go in a hive
hoard stockpile; accumulate for future use; N: supply stored for future use
hoary white with age
hoax trick which makes someone take action; practical joke; Ex. hoax mail; V.
holocaust destruction by fire; CF. burnt whole; CF. Holocaust
holster leather pistol case (that hangs on a belt around the waist)
homage honor; tribute; great respect; Ex. pay/do homage to
homely not good-looking; unattractive
homeostasis tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium; CF. homeo-: constant; Ex. homeotherm
homespun domestic; made at home; spun or woven at home; simple and ordinary; Ex. homespun philosophy
homily sermon; tedious moralizing lecture; serious warning; ADJ. homiletic
homogeneous of the same kind; uniform in composition throughout
hone sharpen (a tool); N: whetstone for sharpening a tool
hoodwink deceive; delude
horde crowd; swarm
horoscope diagram of the positions of stars at a given moment (eg. of a person’s birth) used by astrologers
hortatory encouraging; exhortive; marked by exhortation; CF. exhort
horticultural pertaining to cultivation of gardens; N. horticulture: science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants; CF. agriculture: science or art of farming or growing crops
hostage person who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands
hostility unfriendliness; hatred; enmity; ADJ. hostile
hothead person who does things too quickly without thinking; ADJ. hotheaded
hovel shack; small wretched house
hover hang about; (of birds or aircraft) stay in the air in one place; (of people) wait nearby; stay around one place; waver; be in an uncertain state
hubbub confused uproar; loud noise; din
hubris arrogance; excessive self-conceit
hue color; aspect; Ex. opinions of every hue
hue_and_cry outcry; loud cry or clamor; strong protest; Ex. hue and cry against the new rule
hull husk; dry outer covering of a seed; frame or body of a ship
humane marked by kindness or consideration; kind and compassionate; humanitarian
humanitarian one devoted to the promotion of human welfare; CF. humanism
humble of low rank or position; modest; having a low opinion of oneself and a high opinion of others; unassuming; not proud; V. humiliate: make humble; cause to feel ashamed or to lose the respect of others
humdrum dull; monotonous
humid damp; N. humidity
humility humbleness of spirit
hummock small hill; hillock
humor indulge; comply with the wishes of; N. quality that makes something amusing; state of mind; mood; Ex. in a bad humor; Ex. out of humor
humus substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter; CF. soil
hurl throw forcefully; shout out violently
hurtle crash; rush; move with great speed; Ex. hurtling runaway train
husband use sparingly; conserve; save; Ex. husband one’s energy; CF. house holder
husbandry frugality; thrift; economy; agriculture; farming; Ex. animal husbandry; CF. husbandman
hut crude dwelling; shack
hybrid mongrel; mixed breed; V. hybridize
hydrophobia fear of water; rabies
hygiene science and practice of the promotion and preservation of health; ADJ. hygienic: showing careful attention to cleanness (to prevent disease); Ex. hygienic condition
hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement; ADJ. hyperbolic: of hyperbole; of a hyperbola
hypercritical excessively exacting; too critical (without noticing good qualities)
hypnosis induced sleeping state; ADJ. hypnotic; V. hypnotize
hypochondriac person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness; ADJ. CF. hypochondria: neurosis that one is or is becoming ill; CF. abdomen
hypocritical pretending to be virtuous; deceiving; N. hypocrisy: profession of beliefs one does not possess; CF. hypocrite
hypothetical based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed; N. hypothesis
hysteria excessive or uncontrollable excitement; N. hysteric: person suffering from hysteria; CF. hysterics: attack of hysteria
Sunday, December 2, 2007
GRE Word List H(part 2)
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