Tuesday, December 11, 2007

GRE wordlist I(part 3)

increment increase
incriminate accuse of or implicate in a crime; serve as evidence against; cause to seem or make guilty of a crime; Ex. incriminating evidence
incrustation hard coating or crust; V. incrust: encrust; cover with a crust
incubate hatch; warm (eggs) with the body to promote hatching; maintain at optimal environment conditions for development; be holding in one’s body an infection which is going to develop into a disease; N. incubation; CF. incubation:disease
incubus burden; very worriying problem; mental care; nightmare; male devil; CF. succubus
inculcate teach (ideas or principles); instill
incumbent obligatory; imposed as an obligation; currently holding an office; N: person who holds an office
incur bring upon oneself
incursion temporary invasion; CF. excursion: short journey
indecision irresolution; inability to make up one’s mind
indecisive marked by indecision; inconclusive; Ex. indecisive battle
indefatigable tireless; untiring; showing no sign of getting tired
indelible not able to be erased
indemnify make secure against damage or loss; compensate for damage or loss; CF. make uninjured
indentation notch; deep recess; V. indent; CF. tooth
indenture bind as servant or apprentice to master; bind by indenture; N: contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified time (as between an apprentice and his master)
indeterminate uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite
indicative suggestive; implying; serving to indicate
indices signs; indications; Ex. indices of a student’s potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index
indict charge; N. indictment
indifferent unmoved or unconcerned by; having no interest in; mediocre; neither good nor bad
indigence poverty
indigenous native; Ex. plant indigenous to the New World
indigent poor; destitute
indignation anger at an injustice; Ex. righteous indignation; ADJ. indignant
indignity treatment or situation that causes shame or loss of dignity, respect; offensive or insulting treatment; humiliating or degrading treatment; Ex. I suffered the indignity of having to say that in front of them.
indiscriminate choosing at random; confused; not based on careful distinctions
indisputable too certain to be disputed; beyond doubt
indissoluble permanent; impossible to dissolve or disintegrate
indite write; compose
indoctrinate cause to accept a doctrine without questioning it; Ex. indoctrinated with mindless anti-communism
indolent lazy
indomitable unconquerable; unyielding
indubitable unable to be doubted; which cannot be doubted; unquestionable
induce persuade; lead to do something; bring about; N. inducement
induct place formally in office; install; admit as a member; initiate; N. induction: inducting; process of deriving general principles from particular facts
inductive pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general
indulge yield to; gratify; allow oneself a special pleasure; Ex. indulge one’s every whim/a child/in a big cigarette; N. indulgence
indulgent humoring; yielding; lenient; showing indulgence
industrious diligent; hard-working; N. industry
inebriate make drunk; intoxicate; N. intoxicated person
inebriated habitually intoxicated; drunk; N. inebriety
ineffable unutterable; not to be uttered; taboo; that cannot be expressed in speech; indescribable; unspeakable; inexpressible; Ex. ineffable name/joy
ineffectual not effective; not having a desired effect; weak
ineluctable irresistible; not to be escaped; unavoidable
inept unsuited; inappropriate; lacking skill; incompetent; CF. inapt: (of statements or ideas) inappropriate
inequity unfairness; ADJ. inequitable
inerrancy infallibility
inert inactive; lacking power to move; unable to move or act; Ex. chemically inert; N. inertia: state of being inert; force which keeps a thing in the position or state
inestimable impossible to estimate; (apprec) invaluable; of immeasurable worth
inevitable unavoidable
inexorable relentless; unyielding; implacable; not capable of being changed by entreaty or efforts; Ex. inexorable price rises
inextricable from which it is impossible to get free; that cannot be untied; Ex. inextricable troubles; Ex. inextricable two histories
infallible unerring; never making mistakes
infamous notoriously bad; notorious; well known for being bad; Ex. infamous behavior; N: infamy: infamous act; evil fame or reputation
infantile childish; infantlike
infer deduce; conclude; N. inference
infernal pertaining to hell; devilish; N. inferno: place of fiery heat or destruction
infest inhabit in numbers large enough to be harmful; Ex. Mice infested the house; Ex. shark-infested waters
infidel unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion)
infiltrate pass into or through; penetrate or enter (an organization) sneakily; Ex. infiltrate the troops into enemy territory; CF. infiltrator
infinitesimal very small
infirmity weakness
inflated exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas)
influx flowing into
infraction violation (of a rule or regulation); breach
infringe violate (a law); encroach (the right of another person)
ingenious marked by inventive skill; clever; resourceful; N. ingenuity
ingenue ing\’enue; young innocent girl
ingenuous naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated; candid
ingrained deeply established; firmly rooted; Ex. ingrained dirt/prejudice
ingrate ungrateful person (not expressing thanks)
ingratiate become popular with; bring (oneself) in favor of another; Ex. ingratiate himself with the boss
inherent firmly established by nature or habit; intrinsic
inhibit restrain; prohibit; retard or prevent; N. inhibition
inhibited (of a person) unable to express what one really feels
inimical (of someone) unfriendly; hostile; (of something) harmful; detrimental; CF. enemy
inimitable matchless; not able to be imitated
iniquitous wicked; immoral; unrighteous; N. iniquity; Ex. den of iniquity
initiate begin; originate; receive into a group; introduce to a new field or activity; Ex. initiate someone into the mysteries of a secret religion; N: one who has been initiated
injurious harmful; causing injury
inkling hint; slight indication
innate inborn
innocuous harmless
innovation change; something newly introduced; introduction of something new; V. innovate: begin or introduce (something new); be creative; ADJ. innovative
innuendo indirect or subtle (derogatory) hint; insinuation; Ex. sexual innuendo
inopportune untimely; inappropriate or ill-timed; poorly chosen
inordinate beyond reasonable limits; unrestrained; excessive; Ex. inordinate demands
inquisitive eager for knowledge; unduly curious
inquisitor questioner (especially harsh); investigator; person making an inquisition
inroad hostile invasion; advance that lessens the quantity or difficulty of something; Ex. The long illness made serious inroads on his savings; CF. raid
insalubrious unwholesome; not healthful; Ex. insalubrious place
insatiable not easily satisfied; unquenchable; Ex. insatiable appetite
inscrutable difficult to understand; impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious
insensate without feeling; lacking sense; foolish
insensible unconscious; unresponsive; insensitive; unaware; imperceptible; Ex. insensible of his danger/to pain; Ex. insensible change; CF. not the opposite of sensible
insidious treacherous; stealthy; sly; working or spreading harmfully in a stealthy manner; Ex. insidious spreading of dry rot
insightful discerning; perceptive
insinuate hint; imply; suggest indirectly; creep in; introduce or insert (oneself) by artful means; Ex. insinuate himself into the boss’s favor; CF. ingratiate
insipid lacking in flavor; lacking interest; dull; Ex. insipid food/character
insolence impudent disrespect; haughtiness; ADJ. insolent; CF. haughty + rude
insolvent bankrupt; lacking money to pay; N. insolvency
insomnia wakefulness; inability to sleep
insouciant without concern or care; unconcerned; indifferent
instigate start; urge; provoke; incite; Ex. instigate a search/quarrel
institute organization for a special purpose; V: establish
institution instituting; (building for the) organization; established custom, practice, or