Monday, December 17, 2007

GRE Word List J

jab poke abruptly with something sharp; punch with short blows
jabber chatter rapidly or unintelligibly
jaded tired or uninterested by surfeit; fatigued; surfeited; worn out; wearied; Ex. jaded appetite
jargon language used by special group; technical terminology; gibberish; nonsensical or incoherent talk
jaundice medical condition in which the skin, the white part of the eyes, etc. turn yellow; V: affect with jaundice; affect with prejudice, envy, or hostility; bias
jaundiced yellowed; prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful) from long and disappointing experience of human affairs; Ex. with a jaundiced eye
jaunt trip; short journey
jaunty cheerful and pleased with life; lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree; dapper in appearance; Ex. jaunty person/hat
jeopardize endanger; imperil; put at risk; N. jeopardy: danger
jest playful remark or act; V. act or speak playfully
jetsam things thrown from a ship (to lighten the ship)
jettison throw overboard (from a ship or plane)
jibe agree; be in harmony with; gibe
jingoist extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist; N. jingoism: extreme nationalism
jocose given to(having a tendency of) joking
jocular said or done in jest or playfully; marked by joking
jocund merry
jollity gaiety; cheerfulness; ADJ. jolly: merry; gay
jostle shove; bump; push against (someone) rather roughly; Ex. jostled by the crowds
jovial good-natured; merry; cheerful
jubilation rejoicing; great joy
judiciary judicial branch of government
judicious sound on judgment; wise
jug pitcher; container for holding liquids
juggernaut irresistible crushing force; overwhelming advancing force that crushes everything in its path
jumble mix in a confused way
juncture crisis; point in time; joining point; joint; act of joining
junket trip especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense
junta group of persons joined in political intrigue; cabal; group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power (by force)
juridical of the law and its administration; CF. judicial: of courts of law; CF. judiciary
jurisdiction right and power to apply the law; authority
jurisprudence science of law
juxtapose place side by side; CF. next