titter nervous giggle; nervous laugh; V.
titular of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title of an office without the obligations; Ex. titular head of the company
toady servile flatterer; yes man; sycophant; V: be a toady to; fawn
toga Roman outer robe
token outward sign; Ex. a token of our gratitude
toll sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals; N: sound of a bell; fixed tax or charge
tome large volume; book
tonsure shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders; V.
topography physical features of a region (such as the shape and height); CF. topo-: place
topple become unsteady and fall down
torpedo underwater explosive apparatus; V.
torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy; ADJ. torpid: lethargic; lazy; inactive; (of an animal) dormant; hibernating
torque twisting force; force producing rotation
torrent rushing stream; flood; Ex. The rain fell in torrents.
torrid (of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; Ex. torrid love affairs
torso trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk
tortuous winding; full of curves; Ex. tortuous mountain road
toss throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden motion; flip (a coin) to decide something
totem animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation of this; Ex. totem pole
totter shake or move unsteadily; sway as if about to fall
touching causing a feeling of pity or sympathy; pathetic; V. touch: cause to feel pity or sympathy; ADJ. touched
touchstone stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard
touchy oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate; needing delicate handling; Ex. touchy situation
tout promote or publicize (one’s goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of advertisement); CF. advertise
toxic poisonous; N. toxicity
tract propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group); expanse of land; region of indefinite size; system of related organs; Ex. digestive tract
tractable docile; easily managed; (of something) easily changed or molded; N. tractability
traduce expose to slander
trajectory path taken by a projectile; Ex. trajectory of a bullet
tramp walk with a heavy step; travel on foot; N: vagrant; one who travels aimlessly about; long walk; sound of heavy walking
trample step heavily with the feet; crush under the feet
trance hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one’s physical surrounding (as in contemplation or daydreaming); CF. transition
tranquillity calmness; peace
transcendent exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing; V. transcend: go beyond; exceed; surpass; N. transcendancy
transcendental going beyond common thought or ideas; impossible to understand by practical experiences or practices; known only by studying thoughts or intuition; OP. empirical; CF. transcendentalism
transcribe copy; write a copy of; N. transcription
transgression violation of a law; sin; V. transgress: go beyond (a limit); violate; do wrong
transient staying for a short time; momentary; temporary; N: one that is transient
transition going from one state of action to another
transitory transient; impermanent; fleeting; N. transitoriness
translucent partly transparent
transmute transform; change; convert to something different
transparent permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected; obvious; clear; Ex. transparent lie
transpire (of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through pores
transport strong emotion; rapture; Ex. in a transport/transports of; V: move to strong emotion; enrapture
transpose reverse the order or position of
trappings outward decorations; ornaments (as an outward sign of rank)
traumatic (of an experience) deeply shocking; pertaining to an injury caused by violence; N. trauma: serious wound; emotional shock that causes lasting psychological damage
travail strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of childbirth
traverse go through or across
travesty copy or example of something that completely misrepresents the true nature of the real thing; comical parody or imitation; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous; Ex. travesty of justice; OP. paragon
tread walk; trample; N: grooved face of a tire; horizontal part of a step
treasure keep as precious; cherish
treatise article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
trek travel; journey; V: make a long difficult journey
tremor trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation)
tremulous trembling; wavering
trenchant cutting; incisive; keen
trepidation fear; nervous apprehension
tribulation suffering; ordeal; distress; trial
tribunal court of justice
tribune official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights; protector of the people
tribute tax levied by a ruler; payment made by one nation to another in acknowledgment of submission; mark of respect (such as praise or gift); Ex. pay tribute to
trickle flow in drops or in a thin stream; N.
trickster person who cheats people
trident three-pronged spear
trifle something of little importance or value; small amount; Ex. a trifle; V: treat without seriousness; flirt
trifling trivial; unimportant
trigger set off; start
trilogy group of three related works (connected by a shared subject but each complete in itself)
trim make neat or tidy by clipping; reduce by removing what is unnecessary; ornament; decorate (round the edges); Ex. trim the cost; Ex. jacket trimmed with fur; N. ADJ: tidy; in good order
trinket knickknack; bauble; cheap jewelry
trite hackneyed; commonplace
trivia trifles; unimportant matters
troth pledge of good faith especially in betrothal; betrothal; Ex. by my troth
trough long narrow container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.); long narrow depression as between waves
truculence aggressiveness; ferocity; ADJ. truculent: aggressive; pugnacious; fierce
truism self-evident truth
truncate cut the top off; shorten
trunk main wooden stem of a tree; human body excluding the head and limbs; torso; prehensile nose of an elephant
tryst meeting arranged by lovers; arrangement between lovers to meet
tumid (of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous
tumult commotion of a great crowd; riot; noise; uproar; ADJ. tumultuous: noisy and disorderly
tundra rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America
turbid (of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick
turbulence state of violent agitation; ADJ. turbulent: violently agitated or disturbed
tureen deep dish for serving soup
turgid swollen; distended (as from liquid)
turmoil extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; Ex. throw the country into turmoil
turncoat traitor
turpitude depravity; baseness; Ex. moral turpitude
tutelage guardianship; training; function of a tutor; instruction
tutelary protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. tutelary deities
tycoon wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; Ex. business tycoon
typhoon tropical hurricane or cyclone
tyranny oppression; cruel government; ADJ. tyrannical: of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic; V. tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress
tyro beginner; novice
Saturday, March 8, 2008
GRE Word List T(part 3)
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