Friday, September 7, 2007

GRE wordlist for A(part 2)

affluence abundance; wealth
affront insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V: insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally
afterlife life after death; later part of one’s life
agape openmouthed
agenda items of business at a meeting
agglomeration collection; heap; V. agglomerate: gather into a rounded mass; N. aggolmeate: jumbled mass; heap
aggrandize make greater; increase in power, wealth, rank, or honor; N. aggrandizement
aggregate sum; total; ADJ. V: gather into a mass or whole; accumulate; add up to; Ex. aggregate 100 dollars
aghast filled with great surprise or fear; horrified
agility nimbleness; ability to move quickly
agitate stir up; disturb
agnostic one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality
agog highly excited; intensely curious
agrarian pertaining to land or its cultivation; Ex. agrarian reform
airy of air; high in the air; lofty; immaterial; unreal
alacrity cheerful promptness without reluctance
alchemy medieval chemistry
alcove nook; recess
alias an assumed name esp. by a criminal (usually to mislead people); ADV. alias
alienate make unfriendly or hostile; estrange; separate; change the ownership of
alimentary supplying nourishment
alimony payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce
allay calm; pacify
allege state without proof
allegiance loyalty
allegory story, play, or picture in which characters are used as symbols; fable
alleviate relieve (pain)
alliteration repetition of beginning sound in poetry
allocate assign; set apart for a particular purpose
alloy mixture as of metals; something added that lowers in value or purity; V: mix; make less pure; lower in value or quality; spoil; CF. unalloyed: not in mixture with other maetals; pure; complete; unqualified; Ex. unalloyed happiness
allude refer indirectly; N. allusion: indirect reference
allure entice; attract; tempt
alluvial pertaining to soil deposits left by running water
alms money or goods given to the poor
aloft upward; high up in the air
aloof apart; not open in one’s relationship with other people; reserved; ADV.
altercation noisy quarrel
altruistic unselfishly generous; concerned for others; N. altiruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of others; unselfishness; OP. egoism
amalgam combination of different things; mixture of metals (containing mercury) used for filling holes in teeth
amalgamate (of societies or groups) combine; unite in one body
amass collect (gradually, in a very large amount)
amazon female warrior
ambidextrous capable of using either hand with equal ease
ambience environment; atmosphere; Ex. restraurant with a pleasant ambience; ADJ. ambient: completely surrounding; Ex. ambient temperature
ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning; having more than one possible interpretation
ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes or opinions
amble walking at an easy unhurried pace; V: walk slowly and aimlessly
ambrosia food of the gods
ambulatory able to walk
ambush act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; sudden attack made from a concealed position; Ex. lie in ambush; V.
ameliorate improve
amenable obedient; compliant; readily managed; responsive; willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally; responsible; able to be tested by; Ex. amenable to sensible suggestions; Ex. He is very amenable; Ex. amenable to the usual tests
amend correct; change ; generally for the better
amenities convenient features that helps to make life pleasant; social courtesies
amiable agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly
amicable peaceful; politely friendly; not quarrelsome; Ex. amicable settlement
amiss wrong; faulty; Ex. something amiss; ADV.
amity friendship; peaceful relationship as between nations
amnesia loss of memory
amnesty pardon (allowed by government to political criminals)
amok(amuck) in a state of rage; Ex. run amok
amoral nonmoral; having no understanding of right and wrong
amorous moved by sexual love; loving; of sexual love; Ex. amorous advances
amorphous formless; lacking shape or definition
amphibian able to live both on land and in water; N.
amphitheater oval building with tiers of seats; CF. arena
ample enough; abundant; spacious; large in size; Ex. ample opportunity/garden; N. amplitude: quality of being ample; abundance; largeness of space
amplify increase in size or effect; expand; broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger; Ex. amplify one’s remarks with a graph
amputate cut off part of body; prune (a limb)
amulet charm; talisman; an object worn believed to protect against evil, bad luck
anachronism an error involving time in a story; something or someone misplaced in time; ADJ. anachronistic
analgesia condition of being unable to feel pain
analgesic causing insensitivity to pain; N.
analogous comparable; similar
analogy similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar things
anarchist person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority
anarchy absence of governing body; state of disorder
anathema solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse; V. anathematize
ancestry family descent; ADJ. ancestral
anchor secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; N. anchorage
ancillary serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary; N.
anecdote short story of an amusing or interesting event
anemia condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; ADJ. anemic
anesthetic substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness; N. anesthesia
anguish acute pain; extreme suffering
angular sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded (body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner
animadversion critical remark; V. animadvert: comment critically with disapproval
animated lively; spirited
animosity active enmity
animus hostile feeling or intent; animosity; hostility; disposition
annals records arranged in yearly parts; history
anneal reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling (metal or glass)
annex attach; add to a large thing; take possession of; incorporate (territory) into a larger existing political unit (by force); N: building added to a large one
annihilate destroy
annotate comment; make explanatory notes
annuity yearly allowance
annul make void
anodyne drug that relieves pain or trouble;opiate; ADJ. Ex. anodyne statement
anoint consecrate; put oil on (in a religious ceremony)
anomalous abnormal; irregular
anomaly irregularity
anonymity state of being nameless; anonymousness; ADJ. anonymous
antagonism hostility; active opposition; V. antagonize: cause to become an enemy; N. antagonist: person who is opposed to another; opponent; adversary; principal character in oppostion to the protagonist
antecede precede
antecedents preceding events that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background
antediluvian antiquated; extremely ancient
anthem song of praise or patriotism; Ex. national anthem
anthology book of literary selections by various authors; CF. omnibus
anthropoid manlike; resembling a human being; N.
anthropologist student of the history and science of humankind
anthropomorphic having human form or characteristics
anticlimax letdown in thought or emotion; something unexciting, ordinary, or disappointing coming after something important or exciting
antidote remedy to counteract a poison or disease; Ex. antidote to the economic troubles
antipathy aversion; dislike or opposition