Ricky does it again.Well is Ricky the mastermind behind the Tricks??? We had seen in SCG how Ricky forced the on field umpire to have a talk with bajji.He said it was Racism now he complains of abuse.It is really funny to hear all this from an OZ.Oz have always used these cheap mind games to win battles when they dont find any other ways to win them.First target was harbajan singh.It was very surprising to see Oz attacking an out off form Harbajan.Did they get any thing out of that dirty exchange??? well may be symonds got his market value up.But what was the result?? it was obviously the indian victory at the WACA and Brand ricky taking a beating at the IPL auctions.Did the Gr8 oz captain learn his lesson??NO.Now he has again supported his team mate symonds instead of asking him to shut up.This time itz in form ishant.The next indo-oz match is the final.Can india deliver the knockout punch here??Can india teach symonds and ricky what cricket is??? Let us wait and watch
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ricky the 4th umpire???
Posted by deepak at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: sports
Saturday, February 23, 2008
GRE Word List S(part 5)
sully defile; soil; tarnish; Ex. sully one’s hands in menial labor
sultry (of weather) hot; sweltering; sensual; voluptuous
summation act of finding the total; summing-up; summary (esp. one given by the judge at the end of a trial)
sumptuous grand suggesting great expense; lavish; rich; Ex. sumptuous feast
sunder separate; part; CF. asunder
sundry miscellaneous; various; several; N. sundries: small miscellaneous items
superannuated retired or disqualified because of age; outmoded; obsolete
supercilious haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; CF. eyebrow, cilium
supererogatory superfluous; more than needed or demanded
superficial of the surface; not deep; shallow; not thorough; trivial; Ex. superficial analysis/knowledge
superfluous excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; N. superfluity
superimpose place over something else
supernumerary person or thing excess of what is necessary; extra; ADJ: additional to the usual or necessary number
supersede replace; cause to be set aside; make obsolete; N. supersession
supine lying on back; passive; inactive; Ex. The defeated pugilist lay supine; Ex. supine acceptance of the decision
supplant take the place of unfairly; usurp; replace
supple flexible; limber; pliant
suppliant entreating; beseeching; N.
supplicant one who supplicates; ADJ.
supplicate petition humbly; pray to grant a favor
supposition assumption; hypothesis; surmise; V. suppose
supposititious assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
suppress put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm; inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from being published or made public; Ex. suppress a smile; Ex. suppress the magazine/truth
surfeit satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; N: surfeiting; excessive amount; Ex. surfeit of food
surge powerful movement of or like a wave; V.
surly bad-tempered; rude; cross
surmise guess; N.
surmount overcome
surpass exceed
surreptitious done secretly; secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden
surrogate substitute; person or thing used in place of another; Ex. surrogate mother; ADJ.
surveillance close observation of a person (esp. one under suspicion); watching; guarding
susceptible impressionable; easily influenced; sensitive; having little resistance as to a disease; likely to suffer; receptive to; capable of accepting; Ex. susceptible to persuasion/colds; Ex. The agreement is not susceptible of alteration; N. susceptibility
suspend cause to stop for a period; interrupt; hold in abeyance; defer; hang from above; exclude for a period from a position; Ex. suspended state; Ex. suspend judgment; Ex. suspended from the team; N. suspension
suspense state of being undecided; anxiety or apprehension resulting from uncertainty
sustain suffer (harm or loss); experience; support; prop; maintain; keep in existence; nourish (to maintain life); Ex. sustain the family/the trapped miners
sustenance sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food
suture stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in sewing; V: sew together a wound
swagger walk or behave with an over-confident manner
swamp wetland; marsh; V: flood; overwhelm; drench in with liquid
swarm large group of insects moving in a mass; crowd of people or animals; V: move in a crowd or mass
swarthy (of a skin or complexion) dark; dusky; Ex. swarthy Italian ?
swathe swath; wrap around; bandage; Ex. one’s head swathed in bandages
sway swing from side to side; influence (someone) to change one’s opinion; N.
swear vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words
swear-word word considered offensive; Ex. “bloody'’
swell long wave of water that moves continuously without breaking; V.
swelter (of a person) suffer from oppressive heat; be oppressed by heat
swerve deviate; turn aside sharply from a straight course; Ex. swerve from the principle; Ex. The car swerved to the right.
swill drink greedily
swindler cheater
swipe hit with a sweeping motion; N.
sybarite lover of luxury; person devoted to pleasure and luxury; CF. Sybaris: an ancient Greek city in Italy
sycophant servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man; ADJ. sycophantic
syllogism logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious argument
sylvan pertaining to the woods or the country
symbiosis interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial; ADJ. symbiotic; CF. together + life
symmetry arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity; ADJ. symmetrical
synchronous similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring at the same time; V. synchronize
synoptic providing a general overview; summary; N. synopsis
synthesis combining parts or separate things into a whole; the whole so formed; PL. syntheses; V. synthesize
synthetic not natural; artificial; resulting from synthesis; Ex. synthetic fiber; N.
Posted by deepak at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
GRE Word List S(part 4)
stalemate deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked
stalwart physically strong; brawny; steadfast; strong in mind or determination; Ex. stalwart supporter; N: stalwart follower
stamina power of endurance; strength; staying power
stammer speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions
stamp step on heavily (so as to crush or extinguish); put an end to; imprint or impress with a mark, design, or seal; shape with a die; characterize; Ex. machine stamping out car bodies; Ex. newspaper stamping him as a liar; N. stamping; implement us
stampede sudden frenzied rush (of panic-stricken animals or people); V: participate in or cause stampede; Ex. stampede before the price rises
stanch stop or check flow of blood; Ex. stanch the gushing wound
standstill condition of no movement or activity; stop
stanza division of a poem (composed of two or more lines)
start move suddenly or involuntarily; Ex. start at the sight of a snake
stately formal; ceremonious; grand in style or size; majestic
static having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; N. stasis: stable state
statute law enacted by the legislature
statutory created by statute or legislative action; regulated by statute; Ex. statutory age limit
steadfast steadily loyal; unswerving; steady
stealth action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; ADJ. stealthy
steep soak; saturate; Ex. steep the fabric in the dye bath; ADJ: precipitous
stellar pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; Ex. stellar attraction of the entire performance
stem stop or check (the flow of); Ex. stem the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk
stem_from arise from; originate from
stench strong foul odor; reek; stink
stentorian (of the voice) extremely loud; CF. Stentor: a loud herald in the Iliad
stereotype one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice; Ex. stereotype of the happy slave; V: make a stereotype of; represent by a stereotype; Ex. It is wrong to ster
sterile incapable of producing young; free from microorganism; V. sterilize
stickler perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right
stifle suppress; extinguish; inhibit; smother or suffocate
stigma token of disgrace; brand; V. stigmatize: mark with a stigma; characterize as disgraceful
stilted bombastic; stiffly pompous; Ex. stilted rhetoric; CF. stiff: formal
stink stench; V: emit a strong foul odor
stint supply; allotted amount of work; assigned portion of work; limitation; Ex. two-year stint in the army; Ex. without stint
stipend pay for services
stipple paint or draw with dots or short strokes
stipulate state as a necessary condition (of an agreement); make express conditions; specify; Ex. He stipulated payment in advance
stock standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; Ex. stock sizes of paper; Ex. stock excuse/character; N: goods for sale in a shop; OP. unique
stockade wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier
stodgy dull; stuffy; boringly conservative; Ex. stodgy book
stoic stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; N. CF. stoicism
stoke stir up a fire or furnace; feed plentifully
stolid dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected
stoop bend forward and down; lower or debase oneself; fall to a lower standard of behavior by doing something; condescend; Ex. stoop to lying
stout rather fat; strong in body; sturdy; resolute; determined; strong in determination; Ex. stout stick/supporter
straggle stray or fall behind (a main group); spread out in a scattered group; Ex. straggling marathon racer; Ex. straggling branch
strangle kill by choking or suffocating; suppress
stratagem deceptive scheme; clever trick
stratified divided into classes; arranged into strata; V. stratify
stratum layer of earth’s surface; layer of society; PL. strata
strew spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter; Ex. flower girl strewing rose petals
striated marked with parallel bands; striped; grooved; Ex. striated rocks; V. striate; N. stria: thin groove or line
stricture severe and adverse criticism; critical comments; limit or restriction
strident loud and harsh; insistent; N. stridency
stringent (of rules) binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; Ex. stringent economic conditions
strut supporting bar; CF. airplane wing building support
studied carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful; Ex. studied remark
studious given to diligent study
stultify make stupid in mind; cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; suppress; frustrate or hinder; Ex. stultifying effect of uninteresting work; Ex. stultify free expression
stumble trip and almost fall; proceed unsteadily; act falteringly; N.
stump base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down; V: walk in a heavy manner; baffle; puzzle
stun make unconscious or numb as by a blow; amaze; astound
stupefy stun; make numb (as with a drug); amaze
stupor state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
sturdy strong and firm (in the body)
stygian unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; CF. Styx: the chief river in the subterranean land of the dead
stymie thwart; present an obstacle; stump
suavity urbanity; polish; ADJ. suave: smooth and courteous
subaltern subordinate
subdue less intense; quieter; Ex. subdued lighting; Ex. subdue: conquer; make less intense; quiet; Ex. subdue one’s anger
subjective influenced by personal feelings; occurring or taking place within the mind; unreal; Ex. subjective sensation of the ghostly presence
subjugate conquer; bring under control
sublimate refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state
sublime causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter
subliminal below the threshold of conscious perception; Ex. subliminal advertisement
submerge place under water; dip; go under water; cover completely (as with water); Ex. submerged in work
submissive willing to obey orders; yielding; timid
subordinate occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; N. V: put in a lower rank or class
suborn persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury); N. subornation
subpoena writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court; V: summon with a subpoena
subsequent following in time or order; later
subservient behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious; subordinate; N. subservience
subside sink to a lower level; settle down; sink to the bottom (as a sediment); descend; grow quiet; become less; moderate; abate
subsidiary serving to assist; subordinate; secondary; of a subsidy; N.
subsidy direct financial aid by government, etc.; V. subsidize: assist with a subsidy
subsistence existence; means of subsisting; means of support; livelihood; V. subsist: exist; maintain life (at a meager level)
substantial of substance; material; solid; essential or fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy
substantiate support (a claim) with evidence; establish with evidence; verify
substantive substantial; essential; pertaining to the substance; substantial; considerable; Ex. substantive issues
subsume include (as a member of a group); encompass
subterfuge stratagem(deceptive scheme); pretense; evasion; Ex. resort to a harmless subterfuge
subtlety perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; ADJ. subtle: delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect; able to make fine distinctions; clever; Ex. subtle mind/differences in meaning
subversive tending to overthrow or ruin; V. subvert: overthrow completely (an established system); destroy completely; CF. undermine ?
succor assist (someone in difficulty); aid; comfort; N.
succulent juicy; full of juice or sap; full of richness; N: succulent plant such as a cactus
succumb yield (to something overwhelming); give in; die; Ex. succumb to the illness
suckle give or take milk at the breast or udder
suffocate die or kill from lack of air; suppress
suffragist advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women); CF. suffrage
suffuse spread through or over (with a color or liquid); charge; Ex. A blush suffused her cheeks.
suitor man who is courting a woman
sullen silently showing ill humor or resentment; dark; gloomy
Posted by deepak at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
GRE Word List S(part 3)
small in size; of small importance
slink move furtively; ADJ. slinky: stealthy; furtive; sneaky (as in ambush)
slipshod slovenly; careless; sloppy; untidy; shabby; Ex. slipshod work
slither slip or slide
sloth slow moving tree-dwelling mammal; laziness; ADJ. slothful: lazy; indolent
slough (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); N: outer layer that is shed
slovenly untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N. sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless
sluggard lazy person
sluggish lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; CF. slug: nail with no shell
sluice artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)
slur pronounce indistinctly; speak indistinctly; mumble
sly clever in deceiving; secretive; not telling one’s intentions
smart intelligent; quick and energetic; fashionable; Ex. smart pace/restaurant; V: cause or feel a sharp pain; N: smarting pain
smattering slight knowledge; small scattered number or amount; Ex. smattering of German
smear spread or cover with a sticky substance; N: mark made by smearing
smelt melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition
smirk conceited smile; offensively self-satisfied smile (often at someone else’s misfortune); V.
smolder smoulder; burn slowly without flame; be liable to break out at any moment; exist in a suppressed state; Ex. smoldering anger
smother kill from lack of air; suppress; cover thickly; Ex. smothered in little stickers
smudge dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing; V.
smug self-satisfied; complacent
sneak move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way; N: one who sneaks; ADJ. sneaky
snicker half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; V.
snip short quick cut with scissors; V: cut with scissors
snivel complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose; snuffle; Ex. Don’t come back sniveling to me.
snub ignore or behave coldly toward; Ex. I made a suggestion but she snubbed me; N.
snuffle sniffle; sniff repeatedly (in order to keep liquid from running out of the nose)
soar rise or fly high in the air; Ex. The rocket soared into the sky.
sober serious; solemn; not drunken; abstemious or temperate; V: make or become sober
sobriety moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness
sodden thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink
sojourn temporary stay; V: stay for a time
solace comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble
solder repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N: metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts
solecism nonstandard grammatical construction; construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically; violation of social etiquette
solemnity seriousness; gravity
solicit entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; Ex. solicit votes; CF. solicitor: one who solicits; chief law officer
solicitor lawyer in the lower court of law
solicitous anxious; worried; concerned; eager; Ex. solicitous to do something; N. solicitude
soliloquy talking to oneself (esp. in a play); CF. monologue: soliloquy; long speech by one person (often monopolizing a conversation)
solitude state of being alone; seclusion; ADJ. solitary: existing or living alone (esp. by choice); remote or secluded; single; sole; Ex. solitary life/inn; Ex. no solitary piece of proof
solstice point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator
soluble able to be dissolved in a liquid; able to be worked out or solved
solvent substance that dissolves another; ADJ: capable of dissolving another substance
somatic pertaining to the body; bodily; physical
somber dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF. shadow
somnambulist sleepwalker; V. somnambulate; N. somnambulism
somnolent half asleep; drowsy; N. somnolence
sonic of sound or its speed in air; CF. subsonic, supersonic
sonnet 14-line poetic verse form with a fixed rhyme pattern
sonorous resonant; producing a full deep sound; producing sound
soothsayer one who foretells the future
sophist teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning; N. sophism: plausible but fallacious argument
sophisticated worldly wise and urbane; refined; complex; N. sophistication; V. sophisticate
sophistry seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning; sophism
sophomoric immature; half-baked; like a sophomore
soporific sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness; drowsy
sordid filthy; foul; base; vile; Ex. sordid bed/story
sound in good condition; showing good judgment or good sense; thorough; complete; Ex. sound mind/investment/training
sour having a sharp or acid taste; acid; tart; bad-tempered; V.
sovereign ruler in a monarchy; ADJ: (of a country) independent and self-governing; having supreme power; supreme; excellent
sovereignty complete independence and self-government (of a country); supremacy of authority; power to govern
sow plant or scatter seed
spangle small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
spare give; use; refrain from harming; save from experiencing; exempt; Ex. spare me 5 minutes; Ex. Take this money and spare my life; Ex. The emperor was spared the onus; ADJ: kept in reserve; free for other use; unoccupied; Ex. spare time
sparse not thick; thinly scattered; scanty
Spartan without attention to comfort; lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined; Ex. spartan living condition/life
spasmodic fitful; periodic; of or like a spasm; N. spasm: sudden involuntary muscular contraction; sudden burst of energy or emotion
spat squabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel
spate sudden flood or rush; Ex. spate of accidents
spatial relating to space
spatula broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing
spawn lay eggs (in large numbers); produce offspring (in large numbers); N: eggs of aquatic animals
specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally)
speck small piece or mark; Ex. speck of dust in the eye
spectral ghostly; N. specter: spectre; ghost; phantom
spectrum colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism; broad and continuous range; Ex. whole spectrum of modern thoughts
speechless unable for the moment to speak (because of strong feeling); Ex. speechless with anger
spendthrift someone who wastes money; CF. thrift: accumulated wealth
sphinx-like enigmatic; mysterious
spin rotate swiftly; make (thread) by twisting (cotton, wool, etc.); N.
splice join together end to end to make one continuous length; fasten together; unite; Ex. splice two strips of tape; N.
spoilsport one who spoils the pleasure of others
spontaneity lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint; ADJ. spontaneous: self-generated; unpremeditated; happening without being planned
spoof parody
spoonerism accidental transposition of sounds in successive words; Ex. “Let me sew you to your sheet'’ for “Let me show you to your seat'’; CF. William Spooner
sporadic occurring irregularly; intermittent
sportive playful; frolicsome; merry; CF. sport: play or frolic; CF. sportsmanlike
sprout begin to grow; give off shoots or buds; N: new growth on a plant; shoot
spruce neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be spruce for your job interview; V.
spry (esp. of older people) vigorously active; nimble
spurious false; counterfeit; forged; illogical; Ex. spurious arguments
spurn reject disdainfully; scorn; Ex. She spurned all offers of help.
squabble minor quarrel; bickering; V: engage in a minor quarrel; Ex. squabbling children
squalor condition of being squalid; filth; degradation; dirty neglected state; ADJ. squalid: dirty; sordid; morally repulsive; Ex. squalid story
squander waste; spend foolishly
squash crush; quash; suppress
squat short and thick; stocky; Ex. ugly squat tower; V. N.
squeamish easily shocked or sickened by unpleasant things; fastidious; Ex. A nurse should not be squeamish.
squelch produce a splashing sound (when stepping through mud); crush; squash;
staccato played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound; Ex. staccato applause
stagnant (of water) not flowing (often bad-smelling); motionless; stale; not developing; inactive; dull; Ex. stagnant industrial output
staid serious and sedate; sober; Ex. staid during the funeral ceremony
Posted by deepak at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
GRE Word List S(part 2)
semblance of order to the city.
seminal related to seed or semen; germinal; creative; providing a basis for further development; influencing future developments; Ex. seminal research in a new field
seminary school for training future ministers; secondary school, especially for young women
senility old age; feeblemindedness of old age; ADJ. senile: resulting from old age; showing the weakness of body or mind from old age; Ex. senile dementia
sensitization process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance; V. sensitize: make or become sensitive
sensual devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal; voluptuous; Ex. sensual woman/curves/lips
sensuous giving pleasure to the senses; pertaining to the physical senses; operating through the senses; sensuous feeling of soft velvet on the skin
sententious pithy; terse; concise; aphoristic
sentient capable of sensation and conscious; aware; sensitive; Ex. sentient creature; N. sentience
sentimental swayed by sentiment; appealing to the sentiments
sentinel sentry; lookout
septic of or causing sepsis; putrid; producing putrefaction; N. sepsis: poisoning of part of the body (producing pus)
sepulcher tomb; V: place in a sepulcher; ADJ. sepulchral
sequester isolate; segregate; seclude; retire from public life
sere sear; parched; dry
serendipity gift for finding valuable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck; CF. The Three Princes of Serendip
serenity calmness; placidity; ADJ. serene
serpentine winding; twisting; of or like a serpent; Ex. serpentine course of the river; N. serpent: snake
serrated having a sawtoothed edge; Ex. serrated leaf
servile slavish; cringing; N. servility
servitude slavery; compulsory labor imposed as a punishment
sever separate; cut off (a part) from a whole; break up (a relationship); N. severance; CF. severance pay: extra pay given an employee upon leaving a position
severity harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity; ADJ. severe: harsh; strict; extremely violent or intense
sextant navigation tool used to determine a ship’s latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars)
shack crude cabin
shackle chain; fetter; confine with shackles; N.
shade slight difference in degree; nuance; degree of color; Ex. shades of meaning/grey
sham pretend; feign; ADJ: not genuine; fake; Ex. sham jewelry; N: something that is not what it appears; impostor; pretense; Ex. The agreement was a sham.
shambles (place or scene of) complete disorder or ruin; wreck; mess; Ex. After the hurricane, the coast was a shambles.
Shangri-la imaginary remote paradise on earth; CF. Lost Horizon
shard fragment generally of broken pottery (glass, clay bowl, or cup)
shaving very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade)
sheaf bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together
shear remove (fleece or hair) by cutting; remove the hair or fleece from; cut with or as if with shears; N: shears; pair of scissors
sheathe place into a case; insert into or provide with a sheath; Ex. He sheathed his dagger; N. sheath: case for a blade
shed small roofed structure for storage and shelter; V: pour forth; lose by natural process; repel without allowing penetration; radiate; cast; Ex. shed tears/light/water/skin/leaves
sheer pure; thin and transparent; very steep
sherbet flavored dessert ice
shift change position or place; exchange (one thing) for another; change in direction or position; Ex. shift the stolen goods; N. group of workers which takes turns with other groups; working period of such a group
shimmer shine with a flickering light; glimmer intermittently; Ex. The moonlight shimmered on the water; N.
shirk avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger
shoddy made of inferior material; sham; not genuine; inferior; dishonest; Ex. shoddy goods/trick
shoot new growth from a plant
shove push forward; push roughly; Ex. pushing and shoving to get on the bus; N.
shrew scolding woman; very small mouselike animal
shrewd clever; astute
shrivel make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often by drying)
shudder shake uncontrollably; tremble; V.
shuffle mix together; jumble; move (something) from one place to another; slide (the feet) along the ground while walking; Ex. shuffle papers from one pile to another; N.
shun keep away from; avoid deliberately; Ex. She has been shunned by her neighbors.
shunt move (a railway train) from one track to another; turn aside; divert; sidetrack; Ex. shunt traffic around an accident; N.
shyster lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous practioner
sibling brother or sister
sibylline prophetic; oracular; N. sibyl: woman prophet (in the ancient world)
sidereal relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day
sidetrack switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from a main issue; N. CF. siding: short section of railroad track connected by switches with a main track
sift put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles; sort or examine carefully
significant expressing a meaning; important; Ex. significant smile; N. significance: importance; meaning; V. signify: denote; mean; signal; make known; matter; be significant
silt sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
simian monkeylike; N: ape or monkey
simile comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as
simper smirk; smile in a silly way; smile affectedly
simplistic oversimplified
simulate feign; imitate
sinecure well-paid position with little responsibility; CF. sine cure: without care; CF. San Serif
sinewy (of meat) tough; strong and firm; muscular; N. sinew: tendon; strong cord connecting a muscle to a bone
singular being only one; individual; unique; extraordinary; odd; Ex. singular beauty/behavior
sinister evil; ominous
sinuous twisting; winding; bending in and out; not morally honest
siren apparatus for making sounds; womanlike creature
skeptic sceptic; doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence supporting a point of view; ADJ. skeptical; N. skepticism; scepticism
skiff small light sailboat or rowboat
skim read or glance through quickly; touch lightly in passing; brush; remove from the surface of a liquid
skimp provide or use scantily; live very economically; Ex. skimp on necessities; ADJ. skimpy: inadequate in amount; scanty; stingy; niggardly
skinflint miser; stingy person
skirmish minor fight; minor battle in war; V.
skittish inconstant; capricious; frivolous; not serious; Ex. charming but skittish young woman; CF. skit
skulduggery(skullduggery) dishonest behavior or action; Ex. skulduggery in the election
skulk move furtively and secretly; Ex. He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city.
slack moving slowly; sluggish; inactive; (of a rope) loose; negligent; lax; Ex. slack season; Ex. slack in one’s work; N. V.
slacken slow up; loosen; make or become slack
slag glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter
slake satisfy (thirst); quench; sate
slander defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements; V. ADJ. slanderous
slap hit quickly with the flat part of the hand; N. CF. smack
slapdash hasty and careless; haphazard; sloppy(carelessly done)
slaughter killing of animals for food; massacre; V: butcher (animals) for food; kill in large numbers
slavish of or like a slave; servile; showing no originality; copied very closely; Ex. slavish devotion/copy of the original
sleazy shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; Ex. sleazy back-street hotel/fabric
sledge large sled drawn by work animals
sleek smooth and shining (as from good health); V.
sleeper one that achieves unexpected success; something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable
sleigh large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
sleight dexterity; CF. sleight of hand: legerdemain; quickness of the hands in doing tricks
slew large quantity or number; Ex. slew of errands left
slick make smooth or glossy; N: smooth surface; Ex. oil slick; ADJ: smooth; glossy; deftly executed; adroit; glib
slight insult to one’s dignity; snub; V: treat as if of small importance; insult; snub; ADJ.
Posted by deepak at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
GRE Word List S(part 1)
saboteur one who commits sabotage; destroyer of property; N. sabotage: destruction of property (usually carried out secretly)
saccharine cloying sweet; characteristic of sugar or saccharin
sacrilegious desecrating; profane; N. sacrilege: desecration, misuse, or theft of something sacred
sacrosanct invioably sacred; most sacred; inviolable
sadistic inclined to cruelty; N. sadism: delight in cruelty
saga Scandinavian myth; any legend; long heroic narrative
sagacious wise; perceptive; shrewd; having insight; N. sagacity
sage person celebrated for wisdom; wise person; ADJ: wise
salacious lascivious; lustful; Ex. salacious monk
salient prominent; projecting beyond a line; conspicuous; Ex. salient features
saline salty
sallow (of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking; sickly in color; Ex. sallow complexion due to jaundice
salubrious healthful; conducive to health or well-being; socially desirable; Ex. salubrious area; CF. health
salutary tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex. The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; CF. health
salvage rescue (goods or property) from loss; N: saving; property saved
sanctimonious displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; N. sanctimony: hypocritical piety
sanction approve; ratify; N: permission; penalty intended to enforce compliance
sanctuary place of refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place; Ex. The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.
sanguinary bloody; with much bloodshed
sanguine optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of blood; red
sap diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a fortification); Ex. The element kryptonite sapped his strength.
sarcasm cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks; stinging rebuke; ADJ. sarcastic
sardonic scornfully mocking; disdainful; sarcastic; cynical; Ex. sardonic smile
sartorial pertaining to tailors or tailoring; Ex. a man of great sartorial elegance; CF. sartor: tailor
sate satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy
satellite small body revolving around a larger one
satiate satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger); sate; N. satiety: condition of being satiated
satire form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly
satirical using satire; mocking
saturate soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge; fill to capacity
saturnine morose; gloomy; Ex. Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance.
satyr half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning; lecher; CF. faun; CF. goat: lecherous man
saunter stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; N.
savant scholar; learned person; CF. savoir: know
savor enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; N: taste or smell; distinctive quality
savory pleasant in taste; tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable; Ex. savory reputation
scabbard case for a sword blade; sheath
scad a great quantity; Ex. scads of clothes
scaffold temporary platform for workers (to work at heights above the ground); bracing framework; platform for execution
scale climb up; ascend; remove or come off in scales; N: flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones
scanty meager; insufficient
scapegoat someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; CF. escape+goat
scavenge hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; search, especially for food; N. scavenger: one who scavenges; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion
scenario plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events
schematic of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols; N. schema: diagrammatic representation; outline
scheme systematic plan; plot; clever dishonest plan; orderly arrangement of elements; Ex. health insurance scheme; Ex. a scheme to escape taxes; Ex. a color scheme; Ex. a story with no scheme; V: contrive a scheme
schism division into factions (esp. within a religious body); split
scholarly full of learning; erudite; like a scholar; Ex. scholarly journal
scintilla trace; minute amount; shred; least bit; Ex. There is not a scintilla of truth; CF. spark
scintillate sparkle; flash; be animated; be full of life; Ex. scintillating conversation
scion detached plant shoot used in grafting; descendant
scoff laugh (at); mock; ridicule; Ex. scoff at their threats
scorch sear; N.
score number of points; written form of a musical composition; reason; group of 20; notch or incision; Ex. full/vocal score; Ex. Don’t worry on that score; V: mark with lines or notches; Ex. score the paper to make it easy to fold
scotch stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; Ex. scotch the rumor; CF. cut; CF. ??? ??? ??
scourge lash; whip (formerly used for punishment); source of severe punishment; V: whip; afflict
scowl frown angrily; N: angry frown
scrap small bit or fragment; discarded waste material; fight; Ex. a scrap of paper/cloth; V: break into parts for disposal; discard as worthless; fight; quarrel
scrappy quarrelsome
scraps leftover food
screech unpleasant high sharp sound; shriek; V.
scrimmage disorderly fight between two or more people
scruple hesitate for ethical reasons; fret about; Ex. She did not scruple to read his diary; N: uneasy feeling arising from conscience; conscience
scrupulous conscientious; extremely thorough; Ex. scrupulous worker
scrutinize examine closely and critically; N. scrutiny
scuffle struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry; N. CF. scuffling twins ?
scurrilous abusive; obscene; indecent; Ex. scurrilous remark
scurry move hastily; hurry; move briskly
scurvy contemptible; despicable; N: disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C
scuttle sink (a ship) by cutting holes in the hull; scrap; discard; N: small hatch in a ship’s deck or hull
seamy sordid; base; filthy; unwholesome; Ex. seamy side of city life
sear burn the surface of; char or burn; brand; parch; cause (a plant) to wither
season enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.; inure; harden; N. seasoning: something used in seasoning
seasonable occurring at the proper time or season; opportune; Ex. seasonable intervention in the dispute
seasonal of a particular season; Ex. seasonal rise in employment
seasoned experienced
secession withdrawal; V. secede: withdraw formally from membership
seclusion isolation; solitude; V. seclude: set apart from others; isolate
secrete conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; CF. secretive
sect separate religious body; faction; group of people with common beliefs within a larger group
sectarian of a sect; narrow-minded; parochial; N: member of a sect; narrow-minded person
secular worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal
sedate composed (with no excitement); grave; V: administer a sedative to; CF. sedative
sedentary requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. sedentary job/population
sedition conduct or language inciting rebellion; rebellion; resistance to authority; insubordination; ADJ. seditious
seduce lead away from proper conduct; entice; ADJ. seductive
sedulous diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N. sedulity
seedy run-down; decrepit; disreputable; having many seeds; Ex. seedy downtown hotel
seemly (of behavior) proper; appropriate
seep pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle; N. seepage
seethe be violently disturbed; boil; (of a liquid) move about wildly as if boiling; Ex. The nation was seething with discontent.
seine seine net; net for catching fish
seismic pertaining to earthquakes
selective careful in choosing; having an effect only on certain things; not general; Ex. eclectic weed killer
self-indulgence excessive indulgence of one’s own desire
self-righteous sure of one’s own righteousness; moralistic
semblance outward appearance; guise; Ex. We called in the troops to bring a/some
Posted by deepak at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
GRE Word List R(part 3)
experiencing revival; surging again
resurrect revive
resuscitate revive; bring back to life or consciousness; Ex. resuscitate the drowned child
retain keep; maintain possession of; employ (esp. a lawyer or advisor); N. retainer: servant; fee paid to retain an advisor
retaliate repay in kind (usually for bad treatment); V. retaliate
retard delay (in development); ADJ. retarded: (as of a child) slower in development
retentive holding; able to retain things (esp. facts in the mind); having a good memory
reticent inclined to silence; uncommunicative; reserved; Ex. He was reticent about the reasons; N. reticence
retinue following; attendants
retiring shy and reserved (of a person); modest; Ex. her retiring personality
retort quick sharp reply; V.
retract withdraw; take back; draw back; Ex. retract a statement/an offer/claws; N. retraction; CF. retractile
retrench cut down; cut down expenses; economize
retribution deserved punishment for wrongdoing; punishment for offenses; compensation; vengeance; CF. pay back
retrieve recover; put right; find and bring in; regain; Ex. retrieve the situation
retroactive taking effect before its enactment (as a law) or imposition (as a tax); (of a law) having effect on the past as well as the future
retrograde go backwards; recede; degenerate; deteriorate; ADJ.
retrospective looking back on the past; N. retrospection; V. retrospect
revelry boisterous merrymaking; V. revel: engage boisterous festivities; enjoy greatly; N: boisterous festivity or celebration
reverberate echo repeatedly; resound; Ex. The thunder reverberated across the valley.
reverend deserving reverence; N: priest
reverent respectful; worshipful; V. revere: regard with reverence; N. reverence: profound respect
reverie daydream; abstracted musing
revert relapse; backslide; turn back to; return to the former owner; N. reversion
revile attack with abusive language; vilify(slander)
revoke cancel; retract; CF. irrevocable
revulsion sudden strong feeling of disgust; sudden violent change of feeling; negative reaction; Ex. revulsion from the scenes of torture
rhapsodize speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner; Ex. rhapsodize over the beauty of the scenery
rhapsody excessively enthusiastic expression of feeling; musical composition of irregular form (as if made up as one plays it)
rhetoric art of effective communication; art of using language effectively and persuasively; style of speaking or writing; grandiloquent language; Ex. political rhetoric; ADJ. rhetorical; CF. rhetorical question: question to which no answer is expected as
ribald marked by vulgar lewd humor; wanton; profane; N. ribaldry: ribald language or joke
rickety (of buildings) likely to break or fall apart; of rickets; CF. rickets; CF. vitamin D
riddle pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout; Ex. The gunman riddled the car with bullets; Ex. The whole report is riddled with errors; N. large sieve (separating earth from stone)
rider amendment or clause added to a legislative bill
rife (of something bad) widespread; abundant; current
rift narrow opening in a large mass; break in a friendly relation; Ex. through a rift in the clouds; OP. reconcilation
rig arrangement of masts and sails; V: equip (a ship) with rigging; ADJ. rigging: ropes that hold up a ship’s sails
righteous morally upright; just
rightful legally correct; Ex. rightful owner
rigid hard and unbending; stiff and unyielding; fixed in behavior or views; strict; rigorous; Ex. rigid rule
rigor severity; Ex. rigors of the Russian winter
rile irritate; vex; muddy
rip tear or be torn quickly and violently; Ex. The sail ripped under the force of the wind; N.
rivet metal pin used for fastening metal plates together; V: fasten with a rivet; engross
riveting holding one’s attention; absorbing; engrossing
rivulet small stream; CF. rill < rivulet < river
robust strong; vigorous
rococo ornate; highly decorated; N. CF. 18th century
roil make liquids murky by stirring up sediment; disturb
rolling (of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes; happening continuously by stages; Ex. rolling devolution of power to local governments
romp play or frolic boisterously; gambol; N.
rooster cock; adult male chicken
roseate rosy; optimistic; Ex. roseate views
roster list (of names)
rostrum raised platform for speech-making; pulpit
rote repetition; memorization through repetition without understanding; Ex. learn poetry by rote
rotund (of a person) fat and round
rotunda circular building or hall covered with a dome
rotundity roundness; sonorousness of speech
rou\’e lecherous man
rousing lively; inducing excitement; stirring; V. rouse: waken; arouse from sleep or depression; excite; stir up
rout put to rout; stampede; drive out; N: complete defeat and disorderly retreat
rubble fragments (esp. from a destroyed building)
rubric title or heading (in red print); directions for religious ceremony; protocol
ruddy reddish; (of the face) reddish and healthy-looking
rudimentary elementary; not developed; crude; N. rudiment: fundamental element or principle; Ex. rudiments of the language
rue regret; lament; mourn; Ex. He will rue the day; N. ADJ. rueful
ruffian violent scoundrel; bully
rumble make or move with a deep rolling sound (as thunder or stomach)
ruminant animal that ruminates; ADJ.
ruminate chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically); mull over(ponder)
rummage ransack; thoroughly search
run-down (of a place) dilapidated; in a bad condition; (of a person) weak or exhausted
runic mysterious; set down in an ancient alphabet; N. rune: one of the letters of an alphabet used by ancient Germanic peoples (cut on stone or wood); magic charm
ruse trick to deceive; stratagem
rustic pertaining to country people; unsophisticated; simple; crude; uncouth; (of furniture) rough with the bark left on; N. rural person; rustic person
rusticate banish to the country; dwell in the country
rustle make slight sounds like silk moving or being rubbed together
ruthless pitiless; merciless; cruel
Posted by deepak at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
GRE Words that is Not in Barrons- III
Wordlist apart from Barren?s wordlist
2.adduce…….present as evidence
4.afferent…carrying towards the center
6.affray…public brawl
7.amortization…act of reducing debt thro partial payments
8.andirons…metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs
9.apologue…fable,a short allegorical story with a moral
10.apoplexy…sudden loss of consciousness,a stroke
11.arrogate…claim or seize without right,attribute unjustly
12.asseverate…assert solemnly
14.athwart…across,in opposition
15.auscultation…act of listening to heart/lungs to find abnormalities
17.bassoon…reed instrument of the woodwind family
18.batten…grow fat,thrive upon others
19.benighted…overcame by darkness
20.bete noire…aversion,person/thing strongly disliked
21.bibulous…inclined to drink,affected by alcohol.
22.bilge…where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom cause to leak(as of vessels),take in water at the bilge
23.billingsgate…vituperation,abusive language
24.blazon…decorate with a heraldic coat of arms.
26.brazier…open pans in which live coals are burned.
27.breviary…book containing daily prayers
28.bruit…tell or spread rumours
29.bumptious…self assertive
30.buskin…thick soled half boot worn by actors of greek tragedy
31.cadge…ask for and get free;be a parasite
32.calk…a metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent
slipping;seal with calking;injure with a calk.
33.caparison…put showy ornamentation on a horse.
34.carmine…rich red
35.carte blanche…unlimited authority or freedom.
36.caryatid…sculptured column of a female figure.
37.casuistry…subtle/sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute
38.champ…chew noisily
39.chattel…personal property
43.cockade…decoration worn on hat
44.cognomen…family name
45.collier…worker in a coal mine;ship carrying coal.
46.coltish…given to merry frolicking
47.conch…large seashell
48.concordat…agreement,usually between papal authority and the
49.conjoin…to unite
50.contumely…scornful insolence;insult
51.cormorant…greedy rapacious bird
52.corsair…pirate ship
55.crepuscular…pertaining to twilight
56.cruet…small glass bottle for vinegar,oil etc
57.debenture…bond issued to secure a loan
58.defalcate…misuse money held in trust
59.demesne…domain;land over which one has full sovereignty
60.depilate…remove hair
61.descant…discuss fully
62.desideratum…that which is desired.
63.desuetude…disused condition.
64.dipsomaniac…one who has srong craving for liquor.
65.dishabille…in a state of undress
68.divestiture…an order to an offending party to rid itelf of property.
72.educe…draw forth;elicit
75.epiphany…any apperance or bodily manifestation of a
76.equipage…horse drawn carriage
77.esprit de corps…comradeship;spirit
78.eviscerate…disembowel,remove entrails
79.ewer…water pitcher
80.ex officio…by virtue of one’s office
83.fester…generate pus
84.fiduciary…pertaining to a position of trust
86.flotilla…small fleet
88.freshet…sudden flood
93.gaff…hook;barbed fishing spear
96.gauntlet…leather glove
98.gig…2 wheeled carriage
99.hawser…large rope
100.hogshead…large barrel
102.hoyden…boisterous girl
103.hustings…meetings particularly to choose candidates
104.hypothecate…mortgage;pledge as security
Posted by deepak at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
GRE Word List R(part 2)
regeneration spiritual rebirth; Ex. regeneration of the prisoners; V. regenerate: give or obtain new life; reform spiritually
regent a person who governs in place of a ruler who is ill, absent, or still a child; ADJ. Ex. the Prince regent
regicide murder of a king or queen
regime method of system or government
regimen prescribed course of diet or exercise; prescribed diet and habits; Ex. daily regimen of a dancer
regiment military unit; V: subject to strict order; Ex. regimented society
rehabilitate restore to proper condition (health or useful life); restore the former rank of
reimburse repay; pay back
reinstate restore to a previous condition or position
reiterate repeat
rejoinder reply; retort; comeback; V. rejoin: say in reply
rejuvenate make young again
relapse return to a former state (esp. after improvement); N.
relegate put into a lower or worse place; banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign; Ex. relegate the old furniture to the children’s room; Ex. relegated to the second division
relent become less severe; give in(surrender); ADJ. relentless: unyielding; continuously severe
relevant having importance; pertinent; referring to the case in hand; N. relevance, relevancy
relic surviving remnant (from an extinct culture); memento; keepsake; relics: corpse; Ex. ancient relics; Ex. relics of his travel; Ex. His relics are buried at X.
religious of religion; (of a person) pious; having reverence for a deity
relinquish give up something (with reluctance); yield; release; Ex. relinquish power/the claim to the land/his hold on my arm
relish enjoy; savor; N: enjoyment; zest
remediable reparable
reminiscence recollection; V. reminisce: recollect the past
reminiscent suggestive of something (in the past); of reminiscence
remiss negligent; careless about a duty
remission temporary moderation (of disease symptoms); remitting of a debt or punishment; cancelation of a debt; pardon; Ex. The disease went into remission; Ex. Christians pray for the remission of sins.
remit transmit (money) in payment; free someone from a debt or punishment
remittance remitting of money; amount of money remitted
remnant remainder
remonstrate protest; objection; V. remonstrate: say in protest
remorse deep regret for wrongdoing; guilt; self-reproach
remunerative (of work) compensating; rewarding; profitable; well-paid; V. remunerate: reward; pay (someone) for work or trouble
rend split; tear apart; N. rent; CF. heartrending: causing deep sorrow
render give; deliver; provide; represent in verbal or artistic form; depict; perform; make; translate; Ex. render the song beautifully
rendezvous meeting place; meeting at a set time or place; V.
rendition rendering; translation; artistic interpretation of a song, etc
renegade deserter; traitor; ADJ.
renege break a promise; deny; go back on; Ex. renege on the contract/paying off the debt
renounce abandon; give up (by formal announcement); disown; repudiate; Ex. renounce one’s claim to the property/one’s religion; N. renunciation
renovate restore to good condition; renew
renown fame; ADJ. renowned
rent tear made by rending; rip; split
reparable capable of being repaired
reparation compensation (for loss or wrong); amends; Ex. make reparation for the damage; CF. repair
repartee quick clever reply
repast meal; feast; banquet
repeal revoke; annul
repel drive away; disgust; Ex. repel the attack/moisture; Ex. repelled by the dirty room; CF. repulsion
repellent driving away; disgusting; offensive; repulsive; unattractive; N.
repercussion rebound; reaction; reverberation; Ex. serious repercussion
repertoire list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to present; CF. repertory
repine fret; complain; be annoyed; Ex. repine over the undone work
replenish fill up again
replete fully filled; filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed; abundantly supplied; Ex. report replete with errors
replica copy
replicate reproduce; duplicate
repose resting; state of being at rest; calmness; V: lie at rest; relax; put or place; Ex. repose our hopes in a single man
repository storehouse
reprehensible deserving blame; blameworthy; V. reprehend: blame
representational (of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real life
repress hold back (the natural expression of); restrain; crush; oppress; Ex. repressed child; Ex. repress a laugh/rebellion
reprieve postponement or cancelation of a punishment; temporary stay; V: postpone or cancel the punishment of
reprimand reprove severely; rebuke; N.
reprisal retaliation
reprise musical repetition; repeating of a piece of music; repeat performance; recurrent action; Ex. reprise in the finale; Ex. constant reprises
reproach blame (not angrily but sadly); express disapproval or disappointment; N. ADJ. reproachful
reprobate morally disapproved person; person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency; CF. disapproved by God ?
reprobation severe disapproval; CF. approbation
reprove censure; rebuke; N. reproof
repudiate disown; disavow; deny
repugnance disgust; strong dislike; loathing; ADJ. repugnant: arousing disgust; repulsive
repulse reject with rudeness or coldness (an offer or friendship); drive back (an enemy attack); CF. repulse $\neq$ cause repulsion
repulsion distaste; disgust; act of driving back; ADJ. repulsive: causing disgust; tending to drive away; V. repel (not `repulse’)
reputable respectable; having a good reputation
reputed supposed; Ex. reputed father of the child; V. repute: consider; N. repute: reputation; esteem
requiem mass for the dead; dirge
requisite necessary requirement; something required; ADJ: required; necessary
requisition formal demand or request; Ex. requisition for more computing equipment; V.
requite make return for; repay; reciprocate; revenge; N. requittal
rescind repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement)
resentment indignation; bitterness; displeasure; V. resent: feel anger about
reserve self-control; self-restraint; formal but distant manner; reticence; Ex. without reserve: freely and openly; ADJ. reserved: shy and uncommunicative
residual remaining; left over; of a residue; N: residue
residue remainder; balance
resign give up (a position, right, or claim); submit (oneself) passively
resignation patiently submissiveness; statement that one is quitting a job; ADJ. resigned: acquiescent
resilient elastic; having the power of springing back; able to recover quickly (as from misfortune)
resolution determination; resoluteness; ADJ. resolute: firm or determined in purpose
resolve decide; settle; solve; separate; make a determined decision; N. resolution
resonant (of a sound) echoing; resounding(sounding loudly); deep and full in sound; producing resonance; Ex. resonant voice; N. resonance
resort turn to for help; Ex. resort to violence; N.
resound (of a place) be filled with sound; (of a sound) sound loudly; sound back; echo; Ex. hall resounded with laughter
resourceful clever and imaginative (in dealing with difficult situations); N. resource, resourcefulness
respiration breathing; exhalation; ADJ. respiratory
respite time for rest; interval of relief; delay in punishment; reprieve
resplendent brilliant; splendid in appearance; dazzling; glorious
responsiveness state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etc.; ADJ. responsive: readily reacting; Ex. responsive to treatment
restitution returning something (lost or stolen) to the rightful owner; reparation; indemnification; compensation for loss, damage, or injury
restive impatiently restless (induced by external coercion or restriction); restlessly impatient; obstinately resisting control; Ex. restive horses because of wolves; CF. not a general synonym for `restless’
restraint moderation or self-control; controlling force; restriction
resumption taking up again; recommencement; V. resume: begin or take up again; take or occupy again; Ex. Kindly resume your seats.
resurge rise again; flow to and fro; N. resurgence; ADJ. resurgent: (of ideas or beliefs)
Posted by deepak at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: gre, Reshammiya, wordlist
Monday, February 4, 2008
GRE Words that is Not in Barrons -II
Wordlist apart from Barren?s wordlist
1.idyll…a musical composition that evokes rural life.
2.imbrue…drench,stain especially with blood
3.imprimatur…permission to print a book
4.incarnadine…stain crimson or blood…colour
5.ingenue…an artless girl;an actress who plays such parts
6.integument…outer covering or skin
7.interlocutory…intermediate;not final
10.jejune…lacking interest;barren;meager
12.kiosk…summerhouse;open pavilion
14.lagniappe…trifling present given to a customer
15.lambent…flickering;softly radiant
16.lapidary…worker in precious stones
18.lesion…injury,unhealthy change in structure
20.lieu…instead of
22.lupine…like a wolf
24.maunder…talk incoherently;utter drivel
26.mesa…high flat…topped hill
27.mews…group of stables buil around a courtyard
30.morganatic…marriage between a royal and a common
31.mugwump…defector from a party
32.murrain…plague;cattle disease
33.natal…pertaining to birth
34.nave…main body of a church
36.necrology…list of teh dead
37.non sequitor…conclusion that doesn’t follow from facts
39.nosegay…fragrant bouquet
40.objurgation…severe rebuke;scolding
41.oblation…the eucharist;pious donation
42.obliquity…departure from right principle;perversity
44.offertory…collection of money at relegious ceremony
46.ovine…like a sheep
47.palaver…misleading speech;chatter
48.palliation…act of making less severe or violent
49.panoply…complete suit of armour
50.paregoric…medicine tha eases pain
53.parvenu…upstart,newly rich person
54.patrimony…inheritance from father
56.pelf…stolen property
57.pennate…having wings or feathers
58.perforce…of necessity
59.persiflage…flippant conversation;banter
60.picaresque…pertaining to rogues in literature
61.plebiscite…expression of will of people by direct election
62.plenipotentiary…fully empowered
64.postprandial…after dinner
66.qui vive…wide awake;expectant
67.quibble…escape of main point of an argument
68.prorogue…dismiss parliament
69.recherche…choice;sought after
70.recreant…coward;betrayer of faith
71.recrudescence…reopening of a wound or sore
72.recusant…person who refuses to comply
73.refection…slight refreshment
74.renascence…revival of learning and culture
75.reticulated…covered with a network;having a mesh like appearence
76.rheumy…pertaining to discharge from nose and eyes
77.rime…white frosts
78.risible…inclined to laugh;ludicrous
79.risque…verging on the improper;off…colour
80.roan…brown mixed with gray or white
83.saltatory…relating to leaping
84.salutatory…opening oration at commencement in american colleges
86.sangfroid…coolness in a trying situation
89.sarcophagus…highly decorated stone coffin
90.savoir faire…poise;sophistication
91.scarify…make slight incisions in;scratch
92.sciolism…quackery;superficial information
93.screed…long tiresome harangue
94.scullion…menial kitchen worker
95.senescence…state of growing old
96.sequacious…eager to follow;ductile
97.serried…standing shoulder to shoulder;crowded
99.shoal…shallow place
100.slattern…untidy person
105.stertorous…having a snoring sound
106.sub rosa…in strict confidence
107.sudorific…pertaining to perspiration
108.sumptuary…limiting or regulating expenditures
110.suppurate…create pulse
Posted by deepak at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
GRE Word List R(part 1)
rabble mob; noisy crowd
rabid of or suffering rabies; like a fanatic; extremely zealous; furious; CF. rabies: hydrophobia
rabies disease passed on by the bite of an infected animal (causing madness and death)
raconteur story-teller; one who tells stories with wit and skill
raffle lottery; V: award as a prize in a raffle; Ex. raffle off a new car
rag scrap of cloth; ADJ. ragged: old and torn; seeming unfinished and imperfect; Ex. ragged debut/performance
ragamuffin dirty child in torn clothes; person wearing tattered clothes
rail complain bitterly; scold; rant; Ex. the weaker railing against injustices
raiment clothing; garments; Ex. I have no raiment fit to wear.
rake immoral or dissolute person
rakish jaunty; stylish; sporty; morally corrupt; dissolute; Ex. He wore his hat at a rakish and jaunty angle.
rally come or bring together; call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate (after illness or difficulty); N: act of rallying; mass gathering
ram male sheep; V. strike or drive against with a heavy impact
ramble wander aimlessly (physically or mentally); digress
ramification branching out; subdivision; one branch of a system; one of the results following from an action or decision; Ex. ramifications of a business/the decision
ramify branch out; divide into branches or subdivisions
ramp slope; inclined plane or roadway (connecting two levels)
rampant growing or spreading uncontrollably; growing in profusion; unrestrained; Ex. rampant lawlessness/weed
rampart defensive mound of earth
ramshackle (of a building or vehicle) poorly constructed; rickety; falling apart
rancid having the odor of stale or decomposing fat; rank
rancor long-lasting hatred; bitterness; Ex. negotiation without rancor; ADJ. rancorous
random without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard; Ex. random shots; Ex. chosen at random
rank offensive in odor or flavor
rankle irritate; fester; annoy
ransack search thoroughly; pillage (going through a place); Ex. Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.
rant speak violently or excitedly; rave; talk excitedly showing anger; scold; make a grandiloquent speech; Ex. The priest ranted about the devil.
rapacious voracious; ravenous; taking everything one can; excessively grasping; plundering; subsisting on live prey; Ex. rapacious birds
rapport close relationship; emotional closeness; harmony
rapt engrossed; absorbed; enchanted; Ex. rapt listener
rapture great joy and delight; ecstasy; ADJ. rapturous
rare (of air) thin in density; rarefied; Ex. rare air of the mountains
rarefied made less dense (of a gas); V. rarefy: make less dense; N. rarefaction
rasp (of a sound) grate on (eg. nerves); make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; rub with something rough; Ex. The cat’s tongue rasped my hand.
raspy making a harsh noise; grating; harsh
ratify approve formally; confirm; verify
ratiocination reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises; V. ratiocinate: reason logically
ration fixed portion; V: distribute as rations
rational (of a person) having reason; (of ideas) based on reason; logical
rationale fundamental reason or principle (on which a system or principle is based); fundamental reason or justification; grounds for an action
rationalize make rational; devise false reasons for (one’s behavior); offer an excuse; give a plausible reason for an action in place of a true, less admirable ones; N. rationalization
raucous (of voice) harsh and unpleasant; (of people) disorderly and boisterous; Ex. raucous shouts
ravage devastate; plunder; despoil; Ex. crops ravaged by storms
rave overwhelmingly favorable review; V: talk wildly as if mad; Ex. raving lunatic
ravel fall apart into tangles; entangle; unravel or untwist
ravenous extremely hungry; voracious
ravine narrow valley with steep sides; gorge; CF. gully, canyon
raze destroy completely; Ex. raze the city to the ground
reactionary strongly opposed to social or political change; opposing progress; politically ultraconservative; N. OP. radical
realm kingdom; field or sphere; Ex. not within the realms of possibility
reaper one who harvests grain; Ex. the Grim Reaper; V. reap: cut and gather (crop); harvest a crop
rebate return of part of a payment; discount; V.
rebuff reject bluntly; snub; beat back; Ex. She rebuffed his invitation; N.
rebuke scold harshly; criticize severely
rebus representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols; puzzle in which pictures or letters stand for words; Ex. “R U 18′’ is a rebus for “Are you 18′’.
rebuttal refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove
recalcitrant disobedient or resisting authority even after being punished; obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly; Ex. recalcitrant child
recant disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error; Ex. recant one’s faith/a statement
recapitulate summarize
recast reconstruct (a sentence, story, statue, etc.); fashion again
receptive quick or willing to receive (ideas, suggestions, etc.); Ex. receptive to the proposal
recess pause; temporary cessation; alcove; secret inner place; Ex. parliament in recess; V. CF. recessive
recession withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity
recidivism habitual return to crime (even after being punished); N. recidivist
recipient receiver
reciprocal mutual; given and received in return; exchangeable; interacting; Ex. reciprocal trade agreement
reciprocate do or give something in return; repay in kind; give or take mutually; interchange; move
recital act of reciting publicly; detailed account; performance of music or dance (by a solo performer)
recite repeat aloud (something learned); describe; Ex. recite his complaints; N. recitation
reckon count; calculate; regard as; think; suppose
recline lie down
recluse hermit; loner; ADJ. reclusive
reconcile make friendly again (after quarrel); make consistent (two ideas in opposition); correct inconsistencies; Ex. reconcile one’s political principles with one’s religious beliefs
recondite abstruse; not easily understood; profound; secret
reconnaissance survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering; V. reconnoiter: make a preliminary inspection of (esp. to gather military information)
recount narrate or tell (a story); count over again
recourse resorting to help when in trouble; Ex. without recourse to
recreant disloyal; cowardly; N: disloyal and cowardly person
recrimination countercharges; V. recriminate
rectify set right; correct; CF. rect-: right
rectitude moral correctness; moral uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment
recumbent reclining; lying down completely or in part
recuperate recover; return to health; regain; Ex. recuperate losses
recurrent occurring again and again
redolent odorous; fragrant; suggestive (of an odor); Ex. redolent of onions/mystery
redoubtable formidable; causing fear
redress remedy; compensation; Ex. seek redress for the damage to your car; V: put right; remedy or rectify (a wrong); make amends for
reduce diminish; bring to a weaker or more difficult condition; demote; lower in rank; separate into components by analysis; Ex. reduced to the ranks; Ex. reduce the house to rubble; N. reduction
redundant superfluous; more than is necessary; verbose; excessively wordy; repetitious
reek emit (an unpleasant odor or smoke); give off an unpleasant odor; give out smoke; Ex. reeking chimney; N: unpleasant odor; stench
refectory dining hall; room where meals are served (in a school)
referendum direct vote by all the people
refraction bending of a ray of light
refractory unmanageable; disobedient and stubborn; Ex. refractory horse
refrain abstain from; resist; forbear; N: chorus
refulgent effulgent; brilliant; brightly shining; gleaming; Ex. refulgent moon
refurbish renovate; make clean, bright, or fresh (make new) again; make bright by polishing; Ex. refurbish an old theater; CF. furbish: polish
refuse anything discarded or rejected as worthless; trash
refute disprove; prove to be false; N. refutation
regal royal; of a monarch; Ex. regal manner
regale entertain
regatta boat or yacht race
Posted by deepak at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: gre, Reshammiya, wordlist