quack charlatan; impostor
quadruped four-footed animal; ADJ. CF. biped
quaff drink with zest; drink with relish(zest; hearty enjoyment); CF. sip
quagmire bog; marsh; soft, wet, boggy land; predicament; complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself
quail cower; shrink back in fear; lose heart
quaint odd in an old-fashioned way; odd; old-fashioned; picturesque
qualified limited; restricted; V. qualify: limit the meaning of; modify
qualify reach a necessary standard; limit the meaning of something stated
qualms uneasy feelings; misgivings; uneasy fears especially about matters of conscience; Ex. I have no qualms about giving this assignment to Helen.
quandary dilemma; state of uncertainty; Ex. She is in a quandary about whether to go.
quarantine isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection; V: isolate in quarantine
quarry dig into (to get stone); N: mine;
quash crush; suppress; squash; subdue; annul; Ex. quash a rebellion/the decision of the low court
quay dock; wharf; pier; landing place (for boats)
queasy experiencing nausea; nauseated; easily nauseated; squeamish; Ex. feel a little queasy
queer strange; eccentric; deviating from the normal
quell suppress; put an end to; put down forcibly; extinguish; quiet; Ex. “Army Quells Rebellion'’ in newspaper; CF. kill
quench assuage or satisfy (thrust); slake; douse or extinguish; put out; suppress
querulous given to complaining; complaining; fretful; whining
query inquiry; question; V.
queue line (of waiting people or vehicles)
quibble minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor objections; carp; cavil
quicksilver mercury
quiescent dormant; temporarily inactive; at rest; N. quiescence
quietude tranquillity; calmness
quintessence purest and highest embodiment; perfect example; apotheosis; most essential element; Ex. quintessence of wit; ADJ. quintessential; CF. fifth essence
quip taunt; clever sarcastic remark; V.
quirk sudden sharp turn or twist; startling twist; caprice; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity of behavior; Ex. by a quirk of fate
quisling traitor who aids invaders; CF. Vidkun Quisling
quiver tremble; shake; N.
quixotic idealistic but impractical; CF. Don Quixote
quizzical curious; suggesting puzzlement (without saying); questioning; teasing; mocking; bantering; Ex. quizzical glance
quorum minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
quotidian daily; commonplace; customary; Ex. quotidian routine
Thursday, January 31, 2008
GRE Word List Q
Posted by deepak at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
GRE worlist P(part 5)
prototype original work used as a model by others
protract prolong; lengthen in time; draw out
protrude stick out; jut; project; Ex. protruding teeth
protuberance protrusion; swelling; bulge
provenance place of origin; origin or source of something; Ex. Gunpowder is of Chinese provenance; CF. come
provender dry food for livestock; fodder
proverb adage; someone or something well known for notoriety; ADJ. proverbial: of a proverb; widely known; ADV. proverbially
providence quality of being provident; divine care; god’s care; Providence: god; Ex. It seemed like providence that the doctor happened to be there; ADJ. providential: of divine providence; fortunate
provident providing for future needs; displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies; OP. improvident
provincial pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; narrow; unsophisticated
provision act of providing; something provided; preparatory measure; provisions: necessary supplies (esp. food); stipulation; condition in an agreement; Ex. According to the provisions of the agreement
provisional tentative; temporary
proviso stipulation; condition in an agreement; provision
provocative arousing anger or sexual interest; annoying; Ex. provocative in tight jeans; V. provoke: incite to anger; cause (an unpleasant action or feeling); N. provocation
prowess extraordinary ability; military bravery; Ex. prowess in battle
proximity nearness; ADJ. proximate
proxy authorized agent; authority to act for another
prude excessively modest or proper person (who is easily shocked by improper things, esp. of a sexual nature); N. prudery; ADJ. prudish: excessively concerned with propriety
prudent cautious; careful; prudential
prune cut away; trim
prurient having or causing lustful desires and thoughts; arousing immoderate sexual desire
pry inquire impertinently (someone else’s private affairs); use leverage to raise or open something; prize; N. pries: tool for prying
pseudonym pen name; fictitious name assumed by an author; ADJ. pseudonymous
psyche soul; mind
psychiatrist doctor who treats mental diseases
psychic of psyche; mental; of or possessing extraordinary mental powers
psychopathic pertaining to mental dearrangement; N. psychopath: person with an antisocial personality disorder
psychosis mental disorder; ADJ. N. psychotic
psychosomatic of the influence of the mind on the body (esp. with respect to disease)
pterodactyl extinct flying reptile; CF. wing+finger
pucker gather into wrinkles or folds; N: wrinkle or fold
pudding hot sweet dish
puerile childish; immature; CF. puer: boy
pugilist boxer; CF. pugilism: boxing
pugnacity combativeness; disposition to fight; ADJ. pugnacious: (of people) belligerent; combative in nature
puissant powerful; strong; potent; N. puissance: power
pulchritude beauty; comeliness; ADJ. pulchritudinous
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
pulpit raised platform used in preaching (in a church)
pulsate throb; beat regularly; vibrate regularly
pulse rhythmical throbbing of arteries; brief sudden change in a normally constant quantity; V: pulsate
pulverize crush or grind into very small particles
pummel pommel; beat or pound with fists
punctilious minutely attentive (perhaps too much so) to fine points; stressing niceties of conduct or form; N. punctilio, punctiliousness: careful attention payed to every small exact detail
pundit authority on a subject; expert; learned person
pungent stinging; acrid; sharp in taste or smell; (of speech or writing) caustic; N. pungency
punitive punishing; Ex. punitive measures
puny tiny; weak; insignificant
purchase secure grasp or hold; firm grasp or footing
purgatory place of spiritual expiation; temporary state or place in which the souls must expiate their sins
purge remove or get rid of something or someone unwanted; eliminate; free from blame or guilt; cleanse or purify (esp. of sin, guilt, or defilement); N.
purport intention; purpose; meaning; V: claim; profess; Ex. order which purports to be signed by the general
purported alleged; claimed; reputed or rumored; Ex. purported Satanists
purse pucker; contract (lips) into wrinkles; N: wallet
purveyor furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer; V. purvey: supply (eg. food); furnish; CF. provide
pushy disagreeably aggressive
pusillanimous cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted
putative supposed; reputed; generally regarded as such; Ex. putative father of the child
putrefy make or become putrid; N. putrefaction
putrescent becoming putrid; putrefying
putrid decayed and foul-smelling; foul; rotten; decayed; N. putridity
puzzle baffle or confuse by a difficult problem; ponder over a problem in an effort to solve; clarify or solve by reasoning; Ex. puzzle out the answer; N.
pyromaniac person with an insane desire to set things on fire
Posted by deepak at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
GRE worlist P(part 4)
preponderance superiority of power, quantity, etc.; V. preponderate: be greater in power, weight, or importance; ADJ. preponderant
prepossessing attractive; CF. preoccupying ?
preposterous absurd; completely unreasonable; ridiculous
prerogative privilege; unquestionable right; CF. ask before
presage foretell; be a warning or sign of; N: presentiment; foreboding; omen
prescience ability to foretell the future; knowledge of actions before they occur; ADJ. prescient
presentiment premonition; foreboding; feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear
prestige respect or admiration; impression produced by achievements or reputation; ADJ: causing admiration; ADJ. prestigious: having prestige
presume take for granted; assume; act overconfidently; take liberties; presume on/upon: take unfair advantage of (someone’s kindness or connection); N. presumption
presumptuous going beyond what is right; excessively forward; arrogant; taking liberties
pretend feign; pretend to: claim to possess; make pretensions to; Ex. I don’t pretend to much expertise; N. pretense
pretension pretentiousness; claim (without foundation); Ex. I make no pretensions to skill as an artist.
pretentious ostentatious; showy; pompous; making unjustified claims; overambitious; Ex. pretentious films that claim to be art
preternatural beyond what is normal in nature; supernatural; Ex. preternatural strength/forces
pretext excuse
prevail be widespread; triumph over; gain victory; prevail on: persuade; induce; Ex. Justice has prevailed; Ex. prevail on someone to do something
prevalent widespread; generally accepted
prevaricate lie; hide the truth (by equivocating)
prey target of a hunt; victim; V: hunt and eat as prey; victimize; Ex. Cats prey on mice.
prim proper to the point of affectation; very precise and formal; exceedingly proper
primal first in rank or importance; being first in time; original; Ex. man’s primal innocence
primary first in rank or importance; principal; earliest in time; Ex. primary stages; N. CF. first
primate group of mammals including humans
prime period of ideal or peak condition; earliest or beginning stage; Ex. in the prime of life; Ex. prime of the year(spring); ADJ: first in importance or rank; first; V: make ready; prepare
primogeniture seniority by birth; state of being the first-born child; right of the eldest child (to inherit the entire property of one or both parents)
primordial existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary
primp groom oneself with care; adorn oneself
pristine unspoiled; remaining in a pure state; characteristic of earlier times; primitive; Ex. an old book in pristine condition
privation lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; hardship; want; CF. deprive
privy secret; hidden; not public; made a participant in something secret; Ex. privy chamber government; Ex. be privy to a discussion; CF. private
prize pry; move with a lever; value highly; esteem; Ex. his most prized possession; N: something captured during war-time (esp. an enemy ship)
probe explore with a probe or tools; investigate; N: slender instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity; device designed to investigate an unknown region; thorough investigation; Ex. space probe
probity uprightness; honesty; incorruptibility
problematic causing a problem; open to doubt; doubtful; unsettled; questionable; Ex. Whether the arena will ever be completed is problematic.
proclivity inclination; natural tendency (esp. towards something bad)
procrastinate postpone; delay or put off
procurement obtaining; V. procure: obtain by effort; obtain (a prostitute) for another
prod poke (with a pointed object); stir up; urge; goad to action; N: pointed object used to prod; prodding
prodigal wasteful; reckless with money; profuse; Ex. a mind prodigal of ideas; N. prodigality
prodigious enormous; marvelous; extraordinary; Ex. prodigious amount/memory
prodigy highly gifted child; person with exceptional talents; marvel; wonder
profane violate; desecrate (something holy); treat unworthily; be profane for; ADJ: secular; nonreligious; irreverent for holy things
profligate wasteful (of money); dissipated; wildly immoral; dissolute; N: profligate person; N. profligacy
profound deep; not superficial; complete; Ex. profound thinker/remark/silence/deafness; N. profundity
profusion great amount; plenty; overabundance; excess; lavish expenditure; Ex. profusion of choices; ADJ. profuse: plentiful; copious; giving or given abundantly; extravagant
progenitor ancestor
progeny children; offspring; descendants
prognosis forecasted course of a disease; prediction; CF. prognostic
prognosticate predict (according to present indications)
prohibitive so high as to prohibit purchase or use; tending to prevent the purchase or use of something; prohibiting; inclined to prevent or forbid; Ex. prohibitive tax
projectile missile; fired or thrown object (such as stone or bullet)
proletarian member of the working class; blue collar guy; N. proletariat: working class (who have to work for wages)
proliferate grow rapidly (in numbers); spread; multiply; N. proliferation
prolific producing offspring or fruit in abundance; fertile; fecund; abundantly fruitful; producing abundant works; Ex. prolific writer
prolixity tedious wordiness; verbosity; ADJ. prolix: wordy; verbose; diffuse
prologue introduction (to a poem or play)
prolong lengthen; extend; draw out
prominent protruding(sticking out); conspicuous; notable; eminent
promiscuous mixed indiscriminately; indiscriminate; not choosing carefully; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners; irregular, particularly sexually; Ex. promiscuous life/girl; N. promiscuity
promontory headland
promote advance in rank; advance; help to flourish; advocate; help actively in forming; publicize or popularize; Ex. Milk promotes health; Ex. promote a match/bill; Ex. promote a new product
prompt cause; urge; provoke; provide a cue (for an actor); ADJ: done without delay; done at the right time; punctual; on time; N: reminder or cue
promulgate announce; proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication
prone inclined to; likely to (suffer); prostrate; lying with the front downward; Ex. prone to disease/make mistakes; Ex. accident-prone
prong pointed projecting part
pronounced distinct; very noticeable; Ex. pronounced limp
prop support placed under or against something; V.
propagate increase in number by producing young; multiply; spread; Ex. Most plants propagate by seed; Ex. newspaper propagating their ideas
propellant(propellent) substance which propels or drives forward (such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel)
propensity natural inclination
prophetic of a prophet or prophecy; having to do with predicting the future; N. prophecy; V. prophesy; N. prophet
prophylactic used to prevent disease; N: something prophylactic; condom; N. prophylaxis: prevention of disease
propinquity nearness (in space or relationship); proximity; kinship
propitiate appease; conciliate; make peaceful; ADJ. propitiatory
propitious favorable; auspicious; advantageous; fortunate; Ex. propitious day/sign
proponent supporter; backer; opposite of opponent
propound put forth for consideration or analysis; set forth; Ex. propound a problem/theory
propriety fitness; quality of being proper; correct conduct; conformity to prevailing customs and usages; CF. proprietor, proprietary
propulsive driving forward; N. propulsion
prosaic lacking in imagination; dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact(concerned with facts, not imagination or feelings); factual; CF. prose
proscenium part of stage in front of curtain; front arch of a stage
proscribe prohibit; ostracize; banish; outlaw
proselytize (induce someone to) convert to a religion or belief; N. proselyte: new convert to a doctrine or religion
prosody art of versification; study of the metrical structure of verse
prosper become successful (esp. financially); thrive; grow well; Ex. children prospering under his care
prosperity good fortune and financial success; physical well-being
prosperous successful; rich; affluent; well-to-do; well-off
prostrate stretch out full on ground; make prostrate; enervate; Ex. prostrating illness; ADJ: lying face down; having lost all strength
prot\’eg\’e person receiving protection and support from a patron
protagonist leader or noticeable supporter of an idea; chief character in a play or story
protean able to take on many forms; versatile; CF. Proteus: sea god to change his shape at will
protocol diplomatic etiquette; ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats; first copy of a treaty before its ratification; Ex. Protocol demands that the queen meet him at the airport.
Posted by deepak at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
GRE Word List P(part 3)
plagiarize steal another’s ideas or writings and pass them off as one’s own; Ex. ideas plagiarized from my article; N. plagiarism; CF. kidnap
plaintive expressing sorrow; mournful; Ex. plaintive song
plait braid; interwine; interweave strands or lengths of; make by weaving strands together; Ex. plaited hair; N: braided length as of hair o fabric; CF. pigtail, ponytail
plane carpenter’s tool for smoothing and leveling wood; V. CF. flat
plaster paste that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls; V.
plasticity ability to be molded; ADJ. plastic: capable of being shaped or molded; Ex. plastic material such as clay
platitude trite remark; commonplace statement; ADJ. platitudinous
platonic purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire
plaudit praise; enthusiastic approval; round(succession or series) of applause; ADJ. plauditory; CF. applaud
plausible conceivably true; having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious
plebeian common; vulgar; pertaining to the common people; N: common people in ancient Rome; CF. patrician
plebiscite direct vote by the entire electorate (on an important issue)
plenary (of power) complete; full; fully attended by all qualified members; Ex. plenary power
plenitude abundance; plenty; great amount; completeness; fullness; CF. plenary, plenty
plethora excess; overabundance; Ex. a plethora of excuses
pliable flexible; easily influenced; yielding; adaptable
pliant flexible; easily influenced
plight difficult condition; condition or state (esp. a bad state or condition); predicament
ploy strategem to gain an advantage; tactic; Ex. management ploy
pluck courage; V: pull off or out; pull out the hair or feathers of; ADJ. plucky: courageous; brave
plumage feathers of a bird;
plumb exactly vertical; N: weight on the end of a line; V: examine very carefully or critically in order to understand; measure depth (by sounding); Ex. plumb the depth of
plumber one who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing(pipes)
plume feather, esp. large or showy one; something that rises into the air (like the shape of a feather); Ex. plume of smoke: ?? ??
plummet fall sharply; fall straight down; Ex. Stock prices plummeted.
plump pleasantly fat; nicely rounded
plutocracy society ruled by the wealthy
podiatrist doctor who treats ailments of the feet; chiropodist; N. podiatrics
podium pedestal; raised platform
poignancy quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion; ADJ. poignant: touching; deeply moving; (of sorrow, grief, etc.) painful; keenly distressing to the mind; Ex. poignant memory/anxiety; CF. prick
poise good judgment with composure; balance; V: place in a carefully balanced position
polar of a pole; characterized by opposite extremes; Ex. polar opposites
polarity state of having two opposite qualities
polarize split into opposite extremes or camps
polemic attack or defense of an opinion; controversy or refutation; argument in support of point of view; N. polemics: art of debate or controversy
polemical(polemic) aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious (rather than simply expressing opinions)
politic prudent; judicious; well judged; expedient; well devised
polity (particular form of) political organization; form of government of nation or state; Ex. student polity
polygamist one who has more than one spouse at a time; CF. bigamy; CF. polyandry
polyglot speaking several languages; multilingual; Ex. polyglot person/society; N.
pomposity self-important behavior; acting like a stuffed shirt(pompous person); ADJ. pompous: self-important
ponderous having great weight; weighty; unwieldy; lacking lightness; dull; Ex. ponderous body/style of writing
pontifical pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious; CF. pontiff: pope; bishop
pore study industriously; ponder; scrutinize; Ex. pore over the book; N.
porous full of pores; like a sieve
porridge soft food made by boiling oatmeal
portend foretell; presage; be a sign or warning of; N. portent: sign; omen; forewarning
portly stout; corpulent
pose assume a particular posture; put forward; present; affect a particular attitude (to impress others); Ex. pose a threat; N.
poseur person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others; person who poses; CF. pose
posterity descendants; future generations; Ex. go down to posterity; CF. posterior, anterior
posthumous after death (as of child born after father’s death or book published after author’s death); coming or occurring after one’s death; Ex. posthumous fame/novel
postmortem autopsy; ADJ: occurring after death; of a postmortem
postulate self-evident truth; something assumed without proof; V: assume the truth of (as a basis of an argument)
posture assume an affected pose; act artificially; N: pose; attitude
potable suitable for drinking; drinkable
potent powerful; convincing; persuasive; greatly influential
potentate monarch; sovereign
potential expressing possibility; latent; N: capacity for growth
potion dose (of liquids); liquid dose
potpourri heterogeneous mixture; medley; mixture of dried flower petals a pot (to give a pleasant smell to a room)
poultice soothing application applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body
pr\’ecis abstract; concise summing up of main points; concise summary of a text
practicable feasible
practical based on experience; of or acquired through practice (rather than theory); useful; Ex. practical man
pragmatic practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with practical worth or impact of something; Ex. pragmatic test of the skill
pragmatist practical person; N. pragmatism: pragmatic way of dealing with things
prance move about in a spirited manner (proudly and confidently)
prank mischievous trick
prate talk idly; speak foolishly; boast idly
prattle talk idly; babble; N. CF. prate
preamble introductory statement
precarious unsafe; lacking in stability; uncertain; risky; Ex. precarious living
precedent preceding (in time, rank, etc.)
precept practical rule guiding conduct; Ex. mother’s precept
precinct division of a city for election or police purposes; precincts: space that surrounds a building; Ex. precincts of the college
precipice cliff; dangerous position; Ex. on the edge of the precipice
precipitant something that causes a substance in a chemical solution to separate out in solid form; OP. solvent
precipitate hurl downward; throw headlong; hasten; cause to happen sooner; condense and fall as rain or snow; cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution; ADJ. hasty; rash; premature; sudden
precipitous steep; overhasty; precipitate
precise exact
preclude make impossible; prevent; exclude; eliminate
precocious advanced in development; N. precocity
precursor forerunner; predecessor
predator predatory animal or bird; predatory person; creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits others; ADJ. predatory: living by preying on other organisms; plundering; N. predation
predecessor former occupant of a post
predetermine determine in advance; predestine; settle or decide beforehand; influence markedly
predicament difficult situation; tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma
predilection preference; partiality
predispose give an inclination toward (in advance); make susceptible to; Ex. predispose people to certain cancer; N. predisposition
preeminent outstanding; superior
preempt prevent in advance; head off(forestall); forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself before others; supplant; take the place of; displace; Ex. preempt any attempts; ADJ. preemptive
preen make oneself tidy in appearance; feel self-satisfaction or pride; (of a bird) smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak; Ex. preen oneself on; CF. prune
prefatory introductory; of a preface
prefigure be a sign of; foreshadow
prehensile capable of grasping or holding (esp. by wrapping around); Ex. prehensile tails
prelate church dignitary; priest of high position in the church (esp. bishop)
prelude introduction; introductory performance or event; forerunner
premeditate plan in advance; Ex. premeditated murder
premise assumption; postulate; proposition upon which an argument is based
premonition forewarning; presentiment; foreboding
premonitory serving to warn
Posted by deepak at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
GRE Word List P(part 2)
penchant strong inclination; strong liking (esp. for something that is disapproved of by other people); Ex. penchant for fast cars
pendant(pendent) hanging down from something; pending; N: ornament (hanging from a necklace etc.)
pending not yet decided or settled; impending; Ex. pending decision; PREP. while awaiting; until; Ex. delay the decision pending his return
pendulous hanging; suspended
penetrate enter into; pierce; permeate; see through; grasp the inner significance of; understand
penitent repentant; N.
penology study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation
pensive dreamily or deeply thoughtful; sadly thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness; contemplative; CF. think over
penumbra partial shadow (in an eclipse); CF. almost shadow
penury extreme poverty; stinginess; ADJ. penurious: very poor; stingy
peon landless agricultural worker; bond servant; menial worker; N. peonage
perceptive insightful; showing a good ability at perceiving and understanding; aware; wise; of perception
percussion striking one object against another sharply; Ex. percussion instrument; N: striking together of two bodies; sound caused by percussion
perdition damnation; complete ruin; hell
peregrination journey; V. peregrinate
peremptory demanding and leaving no choice; imperative; Ex. peremptory decree/knock
perennial something long-lasting; perennial plant; ADJ: lasting through the year or many years; lasting for a long time; enduring
perfidious treacherous; disloyal; N. perfidy: treachery
perforate pierce; put a hole through
perfunctory done routinely and with little care; superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; Ex. perfunctory kiss
perigee point of moon’s orbit when it is nearest the earth; CF. apogee
perimeter outer boundary; length of the outer boundary; circumference
peripatetic walking about from place to place (to work); moving; Ex. peripatetic school of philosophy
peripheral of a periphery; marginal; outer; of minor importance; not central; Ex. peripheral nerve/interest
periphery outside edge especially of a round surface; perimeter; Ex. periphery of the town
perjury false testimony while under oath; V. perjure oneself: testify falsely under oath
permeable that can be permeated; penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through; V. permeate: spread or flow throughout; charge
permissive allowing much freedom; lenient; Ex. permissive society
pernicious very harmful; deadly; very destructive; Ex. pernicious effect/anemia
peroration conclusion of an oration; perorating; V. perorate: conclude a speech; speak at great length
perpetrate commit an offense; do (something wrong)
perpetual everlasting
perpetuate make perpetual; make something last for a long time; preserve from extinction; N. perpetuity
perquisite(perk) any gain above stipulated salary; Ex. perquisites such as free meals and a car
persevere continue steadily in spite of difficulties
persist continue in existence; last; continue in a course of action in spite of opposition; Ex. persist in/with something; ADJ. persistent
personable attractive (in personality or appearance)
personify represent (an inanimate object) as a person; be the embodiment or perfect example of; Ex. She is evil/patience personified; N. personification
perspicacious (of someone) having insight; penetrating; astute
perspicuity clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity
perspicuous (of something) plainly expressed; easy to understand; Ex. perspicuous comments
pert (esp. of a girl or young woman) impertinent; forward; trim; jaunty; Ex. pert young miss/hat
pertinacious holding tenaciously to an action; stubborn; persistent
pertinent suitable; to the point; relevant
perturb disturb greatly
peruse read through with care; N. perusal
pervasive spread throughout; V. pervade: (of smells, ideas, feelings) spread throughout; charge; permeate
perverse purposely continuing to do something wrong; stubbornly wrongheaded; perverted; directed away from what is right; wicked and unacceptable; Ex. perverse satisfaction; Ex. Hannibal Lecter in a perverse mood; N. perversity
perversion corruption; turning from right to wrong
pervert corrupt; turn from right to wrong; misuse; Ex. perverted sexual desire/scientific knowledge; N: person whose sexual behavior is not natural
pessimism belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess; tendency to take the gloomiest possible view of a situation; ADJ. pessimistic
pestilential(pestilent) causing plague; tending to cause death; baneful; N. pestilence: fatal epidemic disease (esp. bubonic plague)
pestle tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl or mortar
petrify turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze
petty trivial; unimportant; very small; small-minded; petty-minded
petulant touchy; peevish; ill-tempered
phalanx formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears; group of men packed together (for attack or defense)
pharisaical pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition; self-righteous; hypocritical
pharisee Pharisee: member of an ancient Jewish group that emphasized strict observance of the Mosaic law (considering themselves very holy); hypocritical self-righteous person
phenomena observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation; SG. phenomenon: observable fact; very unusual person, thing, or event; marvel; wonder; CF. phenomenons; ADJ. phenomenal: very unusual; extraordinary; of a phenomenon; Ex. phenomenal strength
philanderer faithless lover; flirt
philanthropist lover of mankind; doer of good; N. philanthropy
philatelist stamp-collector; N. philately: stamp collecting
Philistine narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain; uncultured person who is indifferent to artistic and cultural values; member of an ancient people in Palestine; OP. aesthete
philology study of language or words
phlegmatic calm and unexcitable; not easily disturbed; CF. phlegm: sticky mucus produced in the respiratory tract
phobia morbid fear
phoenix symbol of immortality or rebirth; Ex. phoenix rising from its ashes
phylum major classification, second to kingdom, of plants and animals; category ranking below a kingdom and above a class; division
physiognomy face (as showing the character and the mind); art of judging human character from facial features
physiological pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms; N. physiology
piebald of different colors; mottled; spotted in different colors (esp. in black and white); Ex. piebald horse; CF. pie+bald
piecemeal one part at a time; gradually; in stages; Ex. read a novel piecemeal
pied piebald; variegated(many-colored); multicolored
piety devoutness; reverence for God; ADJ. pious
pigment coloring matter (usually powder to be mixed with water or oil)
pilfer steal things of small value; filch; snitch
pillage plunder
pillory punish by placing in a wooden frame or pillory; subject or expose to criticism and ridicule; N.
pinch squeeze between the thumb and a finger, or other edges; Ex. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. N: amount that can be held between the thumb and a finger
pine long for; yearn; languish from longing or grief; decline
pinion restrain or immobilize by binding the wings or legs; N: bird’s wing
pinnace small boat
pinnacle peak; highest point; acme; Ex. pinnacle of fame
pious devout; religious; N. piety
piquant pleasantly tart-tasting; spicy; pleasantly stimulating; Ex. piquant situation when my old enemy asked for my help
pique irritation; resentment from wounded pride (eg. loss in a contest); V: provoke; arouse; annoy; cause to feel resentment; Ex. pique her curiosity
piscatorial pertaining to fishing; CF. Pisces
pitfall hidden danger; concealed trap
pith core or marrow; spongelike substance in the center of stems; essence; substance
pithy concise and meaningful; substantial; meaty
pittance small amount (of money); small allowance or wage
pivotal of a pivot; central; critical; crucial
placate pacify; bring peace to; conciliate; appease
placebo harmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill
placid peaceful; calm; Ex. placid child/lake
Posted by deepak at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
GRE Word List P(part 1)
pachyderm thick-skinned animal
pacifist one opposed to force; antimilitarist; ADJ. N. pacifism: opposition to war as a means of resolving disputes
pacify soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue; bring peace to
padre chaplain (in the armed forces)
paean song of praise or joy; Ex. paeans celebrating the victory
painstaking taking pains; showing hard work; taking great care; very careful and through
palatable agreeable; pleasing to the taste
palate roof of the mouth; sense of the taste
palatial of or suitable for a palace; magnificent
paleontology study of prehistoric life or fossils; CF. paleo-: ancient or prehistoric; Ex. paleography: study of ancient written documents
palette board on which painter mixes pigments(coloring matters)
palimpsest parchment or piece of writing material used for second time after original writing has been erased
pall become boring; grow tiresome
pallet small poor bed; Ex. straw pallet
palliate ease pain (without curing); make less severe or offensive (a crime or illness)
pallid pale; wan; Ex. pallid complexion
palm conceal in the palm of the hand; palm off: pass off; Ex. palm off some bad oranges onto the lady/the painting as a real Renoir
palpable tangible; (of something bad) easily perceptible; obvious; Ex. palpable blunder
palpitate throb; beat rapidly; flutter; tremble; Ex. Her heart began to palpitate.
paltry insignificant; petty; trifling; contemptible; Ex. paltry sum; CF. trash
pan criticize harshly
panacea cure-all; remedy for all diseases
panache flair; manner of doing things without any difficulty (causing admiration); flamboyance; bunch of feathers (on a helmet); Ex. with great panache;
pandemic widespread; affecting the majority of people; N: pandemic disease; CF. all people
Pandemonium wild tumult(commotion); wild noisy disorder; CF. Paradise Lost
pander cater to (the low desires of others)
panegyric formal praise; encomium; Ex. I don’t deserve such panegyrics.
pang sudden sharp feeling of pain
panoramic denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view; N. panorama: unbroken view of a wide area
pantomime acting without dialogue; V.
papyrus ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant
parable short simple story teaching a moral
paradigm model; example that serves as a model; pattern; list of all the inflectional forms of a word
paradox something apparently contradictory in nature (that may nonetheless be true); statement that looks false but is actually correct
paragon model of perfection; Ex. paragon of virtue
parallel similar; analogous; corresponding; N: parallel line; person or thing that is parallel (to another); similarity; Ex. know of no parallel to the case; Ex. without parallel; V: be similar to; make parallel; Ex. Your experience parallels mine; CF. unp
parallelism state of being parallel; similarity; analogy
parameter limit; independent variable; Ex. parameters of the problem; Ex. within the parameters of the budget
paramount foremost in importance; supreme; CF. para-: beyond; above; Ex. paranormal
paramour illicit lover
paranoia psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution; N: ADJ: paranoid, paranoiac
paraphernalia equipment; odds and ends used in a particular activity; personal belongings; Ex. photographic paraphernalia; CF. married woman’s property exclusive of her dowry
paraphrase restate a passage in one’s own words while retaining thought of author; N: restatement of a text in other words
parasite animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant; CF. para-: beside
parched extremely dry; very thirsty; V. parch: make or become extremely dry (by exposure to heat)
parchment writing material made from the skin of a sheep or goat
pare cut away the outer covering or skin of (with a knife); trim; Ex. pare apples/expenses
pariah social outcast; Ex. Mariah the pariah
parish area in the care of a single priest and served by one main church
parity equality; close resemblance; CF. disparate
parlance language; manner of speaking; idiom; Ex. in legal/common parlance
parley conference (between opponents); CF. speak
parochial narrow in scope or outlook; provincial; related to parishes
parody humorous imitation; spoof; takeoff; travesty; V.
paroxysm fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage; sudden outburst
parquet floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic like matter; CF. strip: long narrow piece
parry ward off a blow; deflect; Ex. He parried the unwelcome question very skillfully; N.
parsimony stinginess; excessive frugality; ADJ. parsimonious
partial incomplete; favoring one side over another; having a liking for something
partiality state of being partial; inclination; favorable bias; special fondness; preference
partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party (with dislike of any others); N: strong supporter of a party; guerrilla
partition divide into parts
parvenu upstart; newly rich person
pass\’e old-fashioned; past the prime
pass_off present falsely; represent falsely to be
passive not active; acted upon; receiving an action without acting in return; accepting without resistance
paste smooth viscous mixture as of flour(powder made by crushing grain) and water (used as an adhesive); V: cause to adhere by applying paste
pastiche imitation of another’s style in musical composition or in writing; work of art openly imitating the works of other artists
pastoral rural; of rural life; idyllic; of a pastor
pastry paste of flour and water (eaten when baked)
patent obvious; easily seen; open for the public to read; of or protected by a patent; Ex. patent to everyone; N.
pathetic causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching
pathological pertaining to disease; N. pathology: study of disease
pathos tender sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature that produces these feelings; Ex. pathos that runs through the novel
patina green crust on old bronze works or copper; tone slowly taken by varnished painting
patois local or provincial dialect
patriarch father and ruler of a family or tribe
patrician noble; aristocratic; N: person of high rank; aristocrat; CF. member of the governing classes in ancient Rome; CF. plebian
patrimony property inherited from a father
patronize support; act superior toward; treat in a condescending manner; be a customer of; N. patron: one that supports; regular customer; N. patronage; CF. boycott
paucity scarcity; dearth
pauper very poor person
peccadillo slight offense or fault; CF. sin
pecuniary pertaining to money
pedagogue teacher; CF. child leader
pedagogy teaching; art of education
pedant scholar who overemphasizes book learning, trivial details of learning, or technicalities
pedantic bookish; showing off learning; marked by an excessive ostentatious concern for book learning; N. pedantry
peddle travel about selling (wares); CF. foot
pedestal support or base as for a pillar or statue
pedestrian ordinary; dull; unimaginative(lacking in imagination); going on foot; Ex. pedestrian prose; N.
pediatrician physician specializing in children’s diseases; N. pediatrics
pedigree ancestry; lineage
peer one who has equal standing with another; nobleman; V: look intently; N. peerage; CF. peeress
peerless having no equal; incomparable
peevish bad-tempered; irritable; V. peeve: make angry
pejorative (of a word or phrase) suggesting that someone is of little value; negative in connotation; having a belittling effect; Ex. Many women now considers “housewife'’ a pejorative expression, because it patronized them.
pell-mell in confusion; disorderly; Ex. dash pell-mell
pellucid transparent; limpid(crystal clear); clear in meaning; easy to understand
pen fenced enclosure for animals; confining space; Ex. sheep pen; V: confine in a pen; enclose
penance self-imposed punishment for sin; Ex. do penance for one’s sins; CF. penitent
Posted by deepak at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
GRE Word List O(part 2)
opulence extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance; ADJ. opulent: possessing great wealth; abundant
opus work (esp. musical composition); Ex. magnum opus: masterpiece; CF. opera
oracular of an oracle; prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous; hard to understand; N. oracle: wiser person; prophecy made by an oracle
orator public speaker
oratorio dramatic poem set to music; long musical work with singing but without acting; CF. cantata
ordain decree or command; grant holy orders; predestine; install as a minister, priest, or rabbi; N. ordainment; CF. ordination
ordeal severe trial or affliction; difficult experience; trial(test of patience or endurance); affliction
ordinance decree; authoritative order
ordination ceremony conferring holy orders; ceremony of ordaining a priest
orgy wild drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence in an activity; Ex. orgy of shopping
orient get one’s bearings; adjust; make familiar with a situation; orientate
orientation act of finding oneself in society; orienting
orifice mouthlike opening; small opening (esp. to a cavern or passage of the body); CF. mouth
ornate excessively or elaborately decorated
ornithologist scientific student of birds; N. ornithology: scientific study of birds
orthodox traditional; (of someone) conservative in belief; adhering to an established doctrine
orthography correct spelling; CF. ortho-: straight; correct; Ex. orthodontics
oscillate vibrate pendulumlike; waver
osseous made of bone; bony
ossify change or harden into bone; become hard and unchanging in one’s ideas
ostensible apparent; appearing as such; professed(pretended); pretended; Ex. ostensible purpose of the expedition
ostentatious showy; trying to attract attention; pretentious; N. ostentation: showy display
ostracize banish from a group; exclude from public favor; ban; Ex. His friends ostracized him. N. ostracism
oust expel; drive out; force out; N. ouster: ousting
outcast one that has been excluded from a society; ADJ.
outfit clothing or equipment for a special purpose; Ex. cowboy outfit
outgoing sociable; eager to mix socially with others
outlandish bizzare; peculiar; unconventional
outlaw fugitive from the law (excluded from legal protection); V: declare (someone) to be an outlaw; deprive of the protection of the law; declare illegal; Ex. Drinking has been outlawed.
outlook point of view; view from a particular place; expectation for the future; prospect; Ex. outlook on life; Ex. pleasing outlook; Ex. weather outlook
outmoded no longer in fashion or use; no longer stylish; old-fashioned
outrage act of extreme violence or viciousness; resentful anger; V: commit an outrage on; produce anger in; ADJ. outrageous: offensive
outskirts fringes; outer borders (as of a city); Ex. outskirts of Boston
outspoken candid; blunt
outstrip outrun; surpass; outdo
outwit outsmart; defeat by behaving more cleverly
ovation enthusiastic applause
overbearing bossy; domineering and arrogant; decisively important; Ex. overbearing manner/importance; V. overbear: dominate
overblown inflated; exaggerated
oversee watch over and direct; supervise; N. oversight: unintentional failure to notice or do something; supervision
overt open to view; public; not secret; CF. covert
overthrow topple; N.
overture musical introduction to a long musical piece; first offer or proposal (to begin talks in the hope of reaching an agreement); Ex. overtures for peace
overturn turn over; capsize; topple
overweening arrogant; presumptuous
overwhelm (of water) cover completely; defeat completely by much greater force; Ex. overwhelmed by grief
overwrought nervous or excited; extremely agitated; hysterical; wrought-up; CF. wrought: made or done
ovoid egg-shaped; CF. ovum; CF. ovulate
Posted by deepak at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
GRE Word List O(part 1)
oaf stupid awkward person; CF. elf
oath solemn promise; blasphemous use of sacred words to express strong feelings; swear-word; Ex. “For Christ’s sake'’
oatmeal crushed oats used for making porridge
obdurate stubborn; refusing to change one’s belief
obeisance bow (to show respect and obedience)
obelisk tall column tapering(becoming gradually narrower toward the end) and ending in a pyramid
obese excessively fat; N. obesity
obfuscate confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex; make so confused as to be difficult to understand
obituary death notice (esp. in a newspaper); ADJ.
objective not influenced by emotions; fair; N: goal; aim
obligatory binding; required; compulsory; V. oblige: constrain; make grateful; do a favor; accommodate
oblique indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line); Ex. oblique reference
obliterate destroy completely; wipe out; Ex. obliterate the village
oblivion obscurity; condition of being completely forgotten; forgetfulness
oblivious inattentive or unmindful; unaware; wholly absorbed; forgetful(having the habit of forgetting)
obloquy slander; disgrace; infamy
obnoxious offensive; disagreeable; Ex. obnoxious smell
obscure dark; vague; unclear; not well known; Ex. obscure meaning/village; V: darken; cover; make unclear; Ex. obscure the moon/meaning
obsequious slavishly attentive; servile; full of servile compliance; sycophantic
obsequy funeral ceremony
obsessive related to thinking about something constantly; of an obsession; preoccupying; N. obsession: compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea; compulsive idea; V. obsess: preoccupy the mind of excessively
obsidian black volcanic rock
obsolete outmoded; no longer used
obstetrician physician specializing in delivery(assisting in giving birth) of babies; N. obstetrics; CF. midwife
obstinate stubborn; hard to control or treat; Ex. obstinate cough; N. obstinacy
obstreperous boisterous; noisy and uncontrollable
obtrude push (oneself or one’s ideas) forward or intrude; impose (oneself or one’s ideas) on others; butt in; stick out or extrude; thrust out; Ex. obtrude A on B; ADJ. obtrusive; N. obtrusion; CF. unobtrusive
obtuse blunt; not sharp; stupid; slow in understanding
obviate make unnecessary; get rid of; Ex. obviate the need
Occident the West
occlude shut; close; obstruct; Ex. A blood clot occluded an artery.
occult mysterious; secret; supernatural; beyond human comprehension; CF. mysterious to human ?; OP. bare
oculist physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
odds chances; probability; disagreement; Ex. The odds are that it will rain. Ex. at odds with
odious arousing strong dislike; hateful(causing hatred); vile
odium detestation; quality of being odious; hatefulness; disrepute (resulting from hateful conduct)
odoriferous giving off an odor
odorous having an odor
odyssey long, eventful, adventurous journey
offensive attacking; insulting; distasteful; V. offend: violate; hurt the feelings of; N. offense: offending; violating of a moral or social code; crime; attack; Ex. first offense
offhand casual; done without prior thought or preparation
officious meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one’s services; overly eager in offering unwanted services or advices; Ex. officious bellboy
ogle look at amorously; make eyes at; Ex. old men ogling young girls
olfactory concerning the sense of smell
oligarchy government by a privileged few
ominous threatening; of an evil omen
omnipotent all-powerful; having unlimited power
omnipresent universally present; ubiquitous
omniscient all-knowing
omnivorous eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything
onerous burdensome
onomatopoeia words formed in imitation of natural sounds
onslaught vicious assault; fierce attack; Ex. unexpected onslaught of the enemy
onus burden; responsibility
ooze (of a thick liquid) pass or flow slowly; N: mud or thick liquid as at the bottom of a river
opalescent iridescent; lustrous; like an opal; N. opalescence
opaque dark; not transparent; N. opacity
opiate medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction; sleep-producing drug containing opium
opportune timely; well-chosen
opportunist individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances; N. opportunism
opprobrium infamy; disgrace arising from shameful conduct; vilification(slander); scorn; contempt; Ex. opprobrium hurled against him; ADJ. opprobrious: expressing contempt; shameful or infamous
optician maker and seller of eyeglasses
optimist person who looks on the bright side; N. optimism
optimum most favorable; optimal; N: most favorable condition
optional not compulsory; left to one’s choice; N. option: act of choosing; choice; freedom or power to choose; something available as a choice; Ex. have no option; Ex. two options
optometrist one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects
Posted by deepak at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
GRE Word List N
nadir lowest point; point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the zenith
naivet\’e(naivety) quality of being unsophisticated; simplicity; artlessness; gullibility; ADJ. naive(na\”ive): ingenuous; lacking worldliness; simple; credulous
narcissist conceited person; N. narcissism; CF. narcissus
narrative related to telling a story; N: narrated account; story; V. narrate: tell (a story); CF. narration
nascent incipient; coming into being or existence; Ex. nascent ability in music
natal connected with birth; CF. prenatal; CF. postnatal
natation swimming
natty neatly or smartly dressed; dapper; smart; Ex. natty dresser
nausea feeling of sickness and desire to vomit; disgust; CF. seasickness
nauseate cause to become sick; fill with disgust; fill nausea
nauseous causing nausea; feeling nausea
nautical pertaining to ships or navigation
navigable (of a body of water) wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; (of a ship or aircraft) able to be steered
nebula diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas; galaxy
nebulous vague; hazy; cloudy; of a nebula; Ex. nebulous proposal
necromancy black magic; sorcery; dealings with the dead; art that professes to communicate with the spirits of the dead so as to predict the future; CF. necromancer; CF. necro+divination; CF. necro-: death; Ex. necropolis
nectar drink of the gods; sweet liquid collected by bees
nefarious very wicked
negate cancel out; nullify; cause to have no effect; deny; N. negation
negligence neglect; failure to take reasonable care; ADJ. negligent: neglectful; lax; not taking enough care
negligible so small, trifling, or unimportant as to be easily disregarded
nemesis someone seeking revenge; source of downfall or ruin; CF. Nemesis
neologism new or newly coined word or phrase
neophyte recent convert; new member of a religious group; beginner; CF. plant
nepotism favoritism (to a relative); CF. nephew
nether lower; Ex. nether garments/regions
nettle irritate; annoy; vex; ADJ. nettlesome
nexus connection
nib beak(bill); pen point
nicety precision; accuracy; minute distinction or difference; Ex. to a nicety: exactly; precisely; Ex. distinguish between niceties
niggardly meanly stingy; parsimonious; N. niggard: stingy person
niggle spend too much time on minor points (esp. when finding fault); find fault; Ex. niggle over details; ADJ. niggling
nihilist one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic; revolutionary terrorist; CF. nihilism: belief that nothing has meaning or value; belief that destruction of existing political or social institutio
nimble quick in movement; agile; quick in understanding; Ex. nimble climber/mind
nip snip off; stop something’s growth or development; bite; make numb with cold; Ex. nip the plan; Ex. A guard dog nipped the postman; Ex. fingers nipped by the extreme chill
nirvana in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an impersonal beatitude
nocturnal done or active at night; Ex. nocturnal animals/raids; CF. nocturne
noisome foul smelling; very unpleasant; unwholesome
nomadic wandering; N. nomad: tribe who migrates from place to place
nomenclature terminology(system of specialized words); system of names or naming things
nominal in name only; of a name; trifling; (of a sum of money) very small; CF. nominate: propose as a candidate; appoint
nonchalance indifference; lack of concern; composure; ADJ. nonchalant: unconcerned; cool; indifferent; Ex. nonchalant attitude to his debts
noncommittal neutral; refusing commitment to a particular opinion; unpledged; undecided
nondescript undistinctive; ordinary; ordinary-looking; Ex. nondescript fellow in a crowd
nonentity person of no importance; nonexistence
nonplus put at a loss; bring to a halt by confusion; perplex; CF. no more
nonsense speech or writing with no meaning; foolish behavior or language; Ex. make (a) nonsense of: spoil; cause to fail
noose loop formed in a rope
nostalgia homesickness; longing for the past; Ex. nostalgia for the clothes of 1920s; ADJ. nostalgic
nostrum questionable medicine; quack medicine; CF. our (remedy)
notable conspicuous; worthy of note; remarkable; important; distinguished; noted
notch V-shaped cut in a surface; V.
notoriety disrepute; ill fame
nourish provide with food necessary for life and growth
nourishment something that nourishes; food
nova star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then returns to its original brightness
novelty something new; newness; ADJ. novel: new; original
novice beginner
noxious harmful; CF. obnoxious
nuance shade of slight difference in meaning or color; subtle distinction
nubile marriageable; of marriageable age; CF. connubial
nugatory worthless; futile
nullify make invalid; make null; invalidate
numismatist person who collects coins; N. numismatics: study or collection of money, coins, and medals
nuptial related to marriage or the wedding ceremony; N. nuptials: wedding ceremony
nurse suckle; take care of (as a nurse); bear in mind; Ex. nursing mother; Ex. nurse a hope/grudge against someone
nurture nourish; feed; educate; rear; care for while it is growing or developing; foster; cultivate; N: something that nourishes; rearing
nutrient nourishing substance; ADJ: providing nourishment
nutrition process of nourishing or being nourished; CF. malnutrition
nutritious providing nourishment
Posted by deepak at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
GRE word list M(part 3)
microcosm small representative world; world in miniature; Ex. microcosm of English society
migrant changing its habitat; wandering; Ex. migrant birds/workers; N: one that migrates
migratory wandering; V. migrate: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another
milieu social environment; means of expression; Ex. feel out of one’s milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.
militant combative; bellicose; N.
militate work against; Ex. militate against the chances of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier
militia army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers
millennium thousand-year period (as in the New Testament); hoped-for period of happiness and prosperity
mime pantomime(act without dialogue); mimicry; mimer; V: mimic; pantomime
mimicry imitation
minatory menacing; threatening
mincing affectedly dainty(delicate); V. mince: cut (esp. meat) into very small pieces; walk with exaggerated primness; walk in an unnatural way, taking little short steps; Ex. The actor minced across the stage; CF. mincemeat; CF. mincer
mingle mix together in close association
miniature small model; small painting; ADJ: small
minion servile dependent; obsequious follower
minuscule(miniscule) extremely small
minute extremely small; CF. minutes: official record of the proceedings at a meeting
minutiae petty or trivial details; CF. minutia
mirage unreal reflection; optical illusion
mire entangle; stick in swampy ground; stick or sink in mire; N: bog; deep mud; Ex. sucked deeper into the mire
mirth merriment; laughter
misadventure mischance; ill luck; Ex. death by misadventure
misanthrope one who hates mankind; misanthropist
misapprehension error; misunderstanding; V. misapprehend
miscellaneous made up of a variety of parts
miscellany mixture of writings on various subjects; collection of various items
mischance ill luck
mischief behavior (of children) causing trouble with no serious harm; damage; harm; Ex. mischief to the crops; ADJ. mischievous: causing mischief; playfully troublesome
misconduct immoral behavior; bad management; V.
misconstrue interpret incorrectly; misinterpret; misjudge
miscreant wretch; wrongdoer; villain; Ex. kindness to the miscreant; CF. believe
misdemeanor minor crime; misdeed; wrongdoing
miserly stingy; mean
misgivings doubts
mishap unfortunate accident
misnomer wrong or improper name; incorrect designation
misogamy hatred of marriage
misogynist hater of woman; CF. misogyny
missile object to be thrown or projected
missive letter; written statement; CF. sent
mite very small object or insect-like creature; small coin
mitigate appease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity
mnemonic pertaining to memory; assisting the memory; N: device, such as as formula or rhyme, used as a mnemonic aid
mobile movable; not fixed; N. mobility
mock ridicule; deride; imitate often in derision
mode prevailing style; current fashion; manner; way of doing something; Ex. in the latest mode; Ex. simple mode of life
modicum limited quantity; small amount; Ex. He does not have a modicum of sense; CF. moderate
modish fashionable; conforming to the current fashion
modulate tone down in intensity; change the intensity or tone of; regulate; change from one musical key to another; Ex. modulate from E to G
mogul powerful person; Ex. oil moguls; CF. Mogol, Moghul; CF. Mongolian
molecule the smallest particle (one or more atoms) of a substance that has all the properties of that substance
mollify soothe an angry person
mollycoddle pamper; coddle; baby; indulge excessively
molt(moult) periodically shed or cast off hairs or feathers (for replacement by a new growth)
molten melted; Ex. molten lava
momentous very important; N. moment; CF. momentary
momentum quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus; moving force
monarchy government under a single ruler
monastic related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns
monetary pertaining to money
mongrel plant or animal (esp. a dog) of mixed breed; ADJ.
monochromatic having only one color
monochrome painting in only one color; ADJ.
monogram design composed of one or more initials of a name; V.
monograph scholarly article
monolithic solidly uniform; unchangeable; unyielding; N. monolith: large block of stone
monotheism belief in one God
monotony sameness leading to boredom; monotonousness; ADJ. monotonous; CF. monotone
monumental massive; impressively large; built as a monument
moodiness fits of depression or gloom; ADJ. moody: given to changeable moods; subject to periods of depression; gloomy CF. mood: | state of mind or emotion
moratorium legal delay of payment or action; Ex. declare moratorium on the building of new houses
morbid given to unwholesome or unhealthy thought; moody; characteristic of disease; Ex. morbid curiosity; N. morbidity; CF. disease
mordant biting; sarcastic; stinging; (apprec.) incisive; cutting; Ex. mordant pen/wit
mores conventions; moral standards; moral customs
morgue mortuary; place where bodies are kept before burial or cremation
moribund dying; at the point of death; CF. death
morose ill-humored; sullen; sullenly melancholy
mortar vessel in which substances are crushed with a pestle
mortician undertaker; CF. death
mortify humiliate by embarassing excessively; shame; punish the flesh; discipline (one’s body) by self-denial; Ex. mortified by her blunder; Ex. mortify the flesh; CF. cause to die
mosaic picture made of small colorful inlaid tiles; ADJ.
mote small speck (esp. of dust)
motif theme; recurrent thematic element in a musical or literary work; single or repeated pattern; figure
motility ability to move spontaneously; ADJ. motile: moving spontaneously
motley multi-colored (as of a garment worn by a jester); mixed; heterogeneous; CF. jester: one who jests (as a paid fool at medieval courts)
mottled blotched in coloring; spotted; Ex. mottled face; V. mottle: mark with blotches of different colors
motto brief statement used to express a principle
mountebank charlatan; boastful pretender
muddle confuse; mix up confusedly; N: state of confusion
muggy (of weather) warm and damp
mulct defraud a person of something; swindle; Ex. mulct the boy of his legacy
multifarious varied; greatly diversified; Ex. multifarious activities
multiform having many forms
multilingual having many languages; fluent in several languages
multiplicity state of being numerous or multiple; large number; Ex. multiplicity of details; ADJ. multiple: of more than one element
mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday; of the ordinary; Ex. mundane existence; CF. world
munificent very generous in giving; Ex. munificent benefactor; N. munificience
mural wall painting
murky dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague; Ex. murky night/fog; N. murk: partial or complete darkness; gloom
murmur low, indistinct, continuous sound; V. CF. mumble
muse ponder at length; N: source of inspiration (esp. of a poet)
musky having the odor of musk; N. musk: odorous substance secreted by an Asian deer
muster gather; assemble (troops); Ex. muster up one’s strength for the ordeal; N.
musty stale (in odor or taste); spoiled by age; CF. moist
mutablility ability to change in form; fickleness; ADJ. mutable: able to change; fickle; CF. mutate; CF. mutant
mute silent; without speech; not pronounced; unable to speak; N: one who is incapable of speech; V: soften the sound, color, shade of
muted silent; muffled; toned down; Ex. muted traffic noise
mutilate maim; injure lastingly; deprive of a limb or an essential part
mutinous unruly; rebellious; Ex. mutinous teenagers; N. mutiny: open rebellion; CF. mutineer
mutter utter (complaining words) indistinctly in low tones
myopic nearsighted; lacking foresight; N. myopia
myriad very large number; ADJ. CF. ten thousand
mystic of hidden meaning and spiritual power; Ex. mystic ceremonies; N. CF. mysticism
Posted by deepak at 11:06 PM 0 comments